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[deleted] t1_ix7ypz4 wrote



jodyhighrola t1_ix84bts wrote

No job is worth sacrificing your mental health. I hope you find your groove


[deleted] t1_ix86i2s wrote



stickynohte t1_ix9871o wrote

A bad job will throw everything else in your view off- I’ve been there. Happy to look over your resume and see if I have any connections that can help (I’m in HR!)


CrewGrouchy1503 t1_ix84wz3 wrote

Sorry to hear that. Your comment made me feel less alone having a depressed weekend too, and I’m also in need of a job change. Wish you all the best


zombies8myhomework t1_ix8edgu wrote

Hey if you want someone to lay in bed with you and binge watch something while eating snacks, let me know. Pretty much what I did all weekend.

And this isn’t all life is. It only is for right now. Doesn’t have to be, though. It’s just hard to find the energy to make it different when you wash, rinse, repeat the same mundane schedule of the hamster wheel every week. You can always change it, however. Remember that.


Normal-Location t1_ix8o8c6 wrote

i’ve been feeling this way since summer, you’re not alone. please dm me if you need someone to talk to <3