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I_Got_A_Truck t1_ix86w18 wrote

Grateful that the mother in law is doing better than expected after an ER visit and week or so long stay in the hospital. Also grateful for the restraint my wife has shown with her frustration at mother in law's husband in regards to his arrogance and narcissistic tendencies.

One example: the hospital suggested that when she be released, she be released to hospice. She is to eat soft foods like applesauce and pudding, and her exercise is to walk up and down the hallway with assistance. What's he do? Feeds her a hot dog with bread, and puts her on the treadmill, just to show the doctors that she can do more than they think.

And then he accuses the wife of just being after her inheritance. If that were the case, why would she be upset with you for going 100% against the doctor's orders?