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AuspiciousToad t1_ixj9jly wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Living in RVA without a car by [deleted]

Lol @ people downvoting you. $1mm is a reasonable home budget for a lot of people. Richmond isn’t “very expensive”, it’s just more expensive than it was like 5-10 years ago. Or more expensive than like, somewhere in rural Tennessee. I bought my house here for $230k — this is laughable to friends of mine who live in actual “very expensive” cities and have $5-8k per month mortgages. Richmond isn’t expensive, but it will be.


STORMPUNCH t1_ixjoluz wrote

Yeah but those places have higher median wages to match, usually. As it stands the cost of housing here, while cheap compared to a lot of places, still well out-strips a lot of native Richmonders' earnings. This is only being exacerbated by remote workers from out of state and NoVa coming in with their "modest" budgets of $500k+.


AuspiciousToad t1_ixjsncg wrote

The median income of the city is $25k and the average home price is $330k. You’re right — but the problem is not the cost of living, it’s the shockingly low median income for a city in such a great location with so much to offer its inhabitants. I’m not saying that it shouldn’t be frustrating for native Richmonders — I understand how it would be. I’m just saying it’s not objectively expensive in an era where there are a lot of high-earning remotely working individuals who routinely relocate to lower cost of living areas.


today-is-the-future t1_ixja3bn wrote

Exactly! I'm not literally looking to spend $1m on a house. It's just that my definition of expensive is far higher that a lot of people outside of big coastal cities.
