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VAMINILEOFALCON t1_iv7c68r wrote

In the mean time try and get some timothy hay (any pet store should have it), lettuce (spring mix from any grocery store) can put that in a small bowl too, water (in a bowl is fine), pellets (use sparingly), dont over do on fruits/ use sparingly and they can be easily-ish potty trained, some normal bedding from any pet store and a normal litter box should do the trick. EDIT: Try and feed every 8 to 12 hours. any longer and they can get sick and with an already existing injury wanna make sure the fur bebe is taken care of.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

if its an absolute emergency (the injury/ leg) VRCC MAY be able to do something depending on what you ask and how you ask AND theres a place up near DC thats 24/7. I dont remember the name, but im sure a quick google or me asking my wife can answer that if need be.


wrychu OP t1_iv7gt8i wrote

Thank you for all the advice! Partner Vet didn't find a chip, and didn't have any vets in today who felt comfortable giving us medical advice. At Petsmart now to buy him things, will be getting all you recommended and a bit more to try and keep him comfortable.

One of his legs is red, but seems more from rubbing or something than anything else? No active bleeding at least, and he let me gently extend them. I had a pet rabbit as a kid, and it worries me that he's laying on his side rather than his feet like mine used to, but he also seems like a chill lil bb?? Hopefully it's just that; I at least don't think he needs emergency care. Will find out Monday, or sooner if anything changes and we take him into that ER.

Once we're home we're going to carefully give him a sponge bath per google instructions and inspect as much as we can. Will update if any questions. Thanks again!


VAMINILEOFALCON t1_iv7hkwu wrote

Sometimes laying on its side is a good think and can even look super dead, its called flopping which means they are very relaxed and feel safe. I hate it gives me a heart attack EVERY TIME! but my wife loves the bunnies so we have bunnies.

theres these things called salt cubes or salt licks that are good "treats". make sure you put up wires when you get home because they like to chew on phone chargers.

No problem glad to be able to help!