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juwanna-blomie OP t1_iydbdr2 wrote

That plus the people that want to act like assholes when cars pull into their driveways on the road. Like, “oh look at this asshole going home!” Wtf are we supposed to do? 40mph Tokyo Drift up my inclined driveway? So now I put my turning signal on WAY before I turn in, just so they know to leave the lane now if they are those kinds of ppl.


Chickenmoons t1_iydq8ei wrote

Worth pointing out the fatal accident on the East side of Lakeside avenue a few months back where a car was T-boned killing the driver. Traffic needs to be slowed down on that road in a big way.

I really don’t understand why Dumbarton/Azalea needs to have lanes as wide as I64. I mean it dead ends into Staples Mill and Laburnum so it doesn’t really connect anything major or even industrial areas like Hilliard (which also is a massively overbuilt road). I’d like to see some large traffic circles on Dumbarton at Impala, Cottage and Hermitage and just eliminate those stop lights. Add another roundabout on the other side of Lakeside avenue. Some sidewalks and protected bike lanes (preferably with Jersey barriers) would be great too as well as pedestrian bump outs. It’s just a massively overbuilt road that feels like it’s a 55 mph zone and changing signs to 35mph and even stepped up enforcement doesn’t change that one bit.


rattylight t1_iydwozi wrote

For real! I also live on a main road w/ a 35 MPH speed limit. Even slowing down ever so slightly just to pull off into my street parking spot gets me honked at and folks speed off. What am I supposed to do? I give plenty of warning, but I guess I'm such a nuisance apparently for not going 60 MPH and stopping on a dime.


juwanna-blomie OP t1_iye26er wrote

I’ll amend this post for the city parkers: I just got flicked off for properly putting my turning signal on and parking on 2nd st where only 1 lane was open. Apparently this cunt didn’t believe I’m allowed to park in the city…


Tayl44 t1_iydjccf wrote

This has been my experience on that road. Not pulling into a house but turning right, a literal few seconds, and people freak out. I can’t imagine living on that road and having people pissed off.


Sabz5150 t1_iye2qge wrote

>Wtf are we supposed to do? 40mph Tokyo Drift up my inclined driveway?

Not go up like its your first time behind the wheel. I feel you but too many people tend to stop to half the speed of smell and then Farmer Brown it like they are parking an aircraft carrier.


juwanna-blomie OP t1_iye3j7f wrote

Yea but that’s not always the case. I whip into my driveway (at around 10mph) for this reason, but at a certain point, you gotta accept that diff people have diff cars and driveways. Someones Miata takes an incline diff than a Jeep. That being said, if you have a massive dualie truck and you drive up inclines like you just learned how to drive you should be ordered to donate your vehicle.

Edit: to add, to someone going 35 mph, slowing down to 10mph is a drastic difference, so I think ANYONE who doesn’t have this more calm perspective will be upset about a 25mph slowdown.


Sabz5150 t1_iye6e0a wrote

>That being said, if you have a massive dualie truck and you drive up inclines like you just learned how to drive you should be ordered to donate your vehicle.

I'm the biggest, loudest motherfucker here! Nobody can stand in my way! Roll Coal!

Is that... is that... a RAILROAD CROSSING!?!?!?!?