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knife_hits t1_ixk1tr1 wrote

It's like when weirdos say shit like "the United States Postal Service is losing $XX million a year!" Like, no, it's not "losing" anything, it's a public service and it COSTS MONEY TO RUN IT. Not everything needs to exist to turn a profit, god damn


goodsam2 t1_ixk3a44 wrote

Well actually the post office was a service that cost a lot of money. (They actually had arguments because in rural areas the postal service only delivered to town and when people came into town they would buy something at the store next door but it would go to urban houses because it was far easier, this was a huge cost and a significant portion of the federal budget)

Anyway then people started sending a lot more mail back and forth. The post office then generates a profit, they decide they want to semi-break off from the government. Now less letters to and from people are falling and they are looking at downsizing in real ways. Since they made a profit they increased pay and pensions and such and at some point it's just another normal government position which is why the Republicans asked to prepay their pension because the post office finances look to be decreasing profitability. Which pushes them to look insolvent sooner but also makes the transition easier to when they go back as a full government agency.

But back to the topic, I mean think about all the land used for parking or driving that could be sold. I mean I heard there was a plan for 64 to be closed and I was just trying to quantify how much that would be worth. I mean nobody bats an eye when we increase parking in land that would otherwise sell for hundreds of thousands and then generate tax revenue.


OlGreggMare t1_ixv700r wrote

How much profit does the Dept of Defense make? I've been to exercises of just single brigade vs regiment that likely burned more fuel in a month than the entire USPS does in a year


goodsam2 t1_ixvdpom wrote

But the USPS was profitable and asked to be partially spun off is the difference maker here. The USPS was profitable and wanted to pay workers more but was stuck to federal government salaries but they wanted to spin off. Now the situation has changed and they need to be a government service at some point soon enough. That or they operate a bank which I think is personally a better option.