Submitted by LikeAThermometer t3_z56m2j in rva

Up early as usual because the dog doesn’t believe in weekends. Our Thanksgiving didn’t go to plan but we managed to have a really nice day and a relaxing Friday where I didn’t really eat any meals but just fed on leftovers all day like an animal at a feedlot. What’s the state of everyone’s leftovers? Any good Black Friday deals had by anyone? Or just talk amongst yourselves.



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carbonjen t1_ixuddxl wrote

Reaching a point where the good leftovers are running out and now it's just stuff no one really wants to eat. I'm surprised the mashed potatoes are actually reheating well though, those always seem to be hit or miss.

Went out shopping a bit yesterday with the family and watched my dad buy stuff. Going to keep an eye on online shops this weekend and on Monday to look for good deals.


PickanickBasket t1_ixuffpj wrote

Just got back from being with the fam. We had a medical emergency right before Thanksgiving and ended up doing a buffet instead of cooking, which was stress-free but also no leftovers. I'm sad about the no leftovers today.

Anyways, going to work. Gunna be a big sale at work today so I'm expecting chaos. Boss always offers to buy us lunch on Saturdays though, so I don't need to worry about packing whatever I can dig out of the fridge/freezer.


McFlare92 t1_ixugj7g wrote

I have contracted some sort of mild virus. Stuffy head, post nasal drip, aching body. It's not too bad, I just hope it stays mild


bettygreatwhite t1_ixugphc wrote

I ate leftover Mac and cheese for two meals yesterday which was delicious but I think I need to eat real food today. Maybe a vegetable or two.


JDnice804 t1_ixugrjk wrote

Resolve Bodyworks has a sale on gift cards! Great way to get an amazing massage at a small discount.


tactlessscruff2 t1_ixuhp4z wrote

What can we do around town today to stretch our legs? ideally not involving food - after several days of eating and sitting want to see if outside still exists


Littleprisonprism t1_ixui38n wrote

Gonna enjoy the sunshine today and go on a long bike ride. About ready to invest in a nicer road/gravel bike but have no idea what type of bike to be looking for. Any recs?


citrus_sugar t1_ixuihs6 wrote

Has anyone been to the Capital One cafe? Can they help with submitting documentation?


TheCheeseDevil t1_ixukgz8 wrote

The family Thanksgiving knocked it all out actually, but we did a private household second meal on Friday of just a stupid gluttonous feast of our favorite foods. Duck breast, lobster tails, mashed potato/parsnips, roasted carrots, cocktail shrimp ring, mulled wine...


gingersnaappp t1_ixukx2k wrote

Everything we cooked for Thanksgiving came out fantastic and we have spent the past 2 days widdling away at that. Mom/Nona got us season passes to Busch Gardens/Water Country to avoid having to buy a ton of gifts so we will hit up Christmas Town today and I’m super stoked on that!!


bored0327 t1_ixul64i wrote

Went to friends for Thanksgiving so cooking my turkey today for lunches next week. Gonna make some pot pies.


spillsomepaint t1_ixunla8 wrote

Headed back to the river today, this time with a picnic (Publix subs ftw).


images-ofbrokenlight t1_ixuq8ki wrote

Why is a huge part of Fairfield ave closed down? A bunch of cops blocking streets and even cops on horses…


Guru_of_Glaze t1_ixuqgg0 wrote

I supported Small Business Saturday this morning by purchasing fresh spelt bread from Prairie Grain to make turkey sandwiches. This stuff is so good and I watched them slice a loaf right out of the oven for me!


artsberry t1_ixus2fh wrote

I’ve determined I need to start making an extra side of sweet potatoes just for me to eat. It’s the best part of Thanksgiving and there are never enough when it’s time for leftovers!


Davidm241 t1_ixusio4 wrote

I don’t have much advice on brand. I think all of the name brands are great. Specialized, Cannondale etc. Definitely avoid the big box stores that sell heavy cheaply made bicycles. You can get name brand used bikes all over Richmond if needed.

I will say, go somewhere that will let you test ride the bicycle. Make sure it’s comfortable for you and has the features you want. I have 5 bicycles and each one has a different feel to it. Some I like better than others.


Xgames_mode t1_ixusphy wrote

Just signed a lease last night to move back to Richmond in a few months! Have been up in nyc for the past 2 years but ultimately decided it wasn’t for us. Excited to be back home but also not too excited for the new job search.


suarezi93 t1_ixut82k wrote

It’s here!!! The day we’ve all been waiting for! THE GAME!! It’s gonna be a hair-raiser, people. Keep your socks on and GO BLUE!


t3chn3rd86 t1_ixuxnv3 wrote

I am still recovering from FLU A...had this shit over a week now (officialaly diagnosed Monday but started getting sick the Thursday before) and its down right miserable. Cannot get my appetite or strength back to save my life.


coconut_sorbet t1_ixuxpwx wrote

Documentation like for your bank account? I think they can help with that. They've got several people standing around in the back with tablets who are really excited when people ask them questions.


MissLauraCroft t1_ixuyz17 wrote

I have the fun but challenging task of running errands with 2 small children today. But we get to buy some cool stuff! Books for an Angel Tree gift donation, shoes for my 4-year-old, some clothes, and groceries. Pray for me.

Until then, we’re lounging around the house watching cartoons while eating leftover banana bread. It’s a nice day.


thephartmacist t1_ixv2twf wrote

Still got a whole pan of sweet potato casserole to take in to work tomorrow. Thankful that black friday is over with. Ready to get gifts and set up for the holidays!


stickynohte t1_ixv30tq wrote

Went to The Park last night (opens officially on Wednesday) - indoor mini golf, virtual golf, and duck pin bowling. Has food-court style eateries and a self-serve beer wall (don’t they all, these days?) Interesting concept, but the absolutely chaotic unce unce unce unce kinda music was irritating. Heard only bad things about management and employee treatment so far. Those who like bingo/ circuit/ river city roll/ slingshot will enjoy it, however, it’s not my scene unless I take a Xanax.

Anyway, off to the gym shortly. Just started reading Somebody’s Daughter (hardcopy), and Know My Name (kindle) so those will occupy much of my day.


Diet_Coke t1_ixv39cw wrote

>You can get name brand used bikes all over Richmond if needed.

This is true, and at a steep discount. All you need is a pair of bolt cutters and a little car jack, and the world's your oyster


balance07 t1_ixv4u9l wrote

Looking to take the kids on a nice walk/hike this afternoon. Maybe FHP. Any alternative suggestions?


balance07 t1_ixv511p wrote

I've been searching for a used gravel bike for ages, either I'm looking in the wrong places or there ain't much market for that. Mountain and road bikes yeah, but not gravel...


mr-sippi t1_ixv553q wrote

I’m a big fan of fairdale bikes. I’ve bought 4 in the last 20 years. I have the Weekender now and it can go anywhere. Their bikes are very well built with a focus on keeping things simple. One possible con is that they are built for life with chromoly steel, which can be quite heavy compared to aluminum bikes or road bikes.


RamsGirl0207 t1_ixv5u7p wrote

I'm dealing with this urge to do something and be productive and not actually wanting to get off the sofa. I did book a time at Rage RVA later today for the kid, so I will have to get up soon to put real clothes on.


Pentakles t1_ixv8q26 wrote

Is it rude if I ask about management and employee treatment?? I know a few people who have applied and at least two who start next week. They all seem very positive about the job but something about all of the details make me feel like it might not be everything that they're promising. Maybe I'm just jaded?

I don't wanna shit on my friends opportunities but if i can give them a heads up about anything, ya know???


bettygreatwhite t1_ixvh8dx wrote

A few years ago I found a copycat recipe for the sweet potato dish they serve at Ruth’s Chris and it has consistently been requested and devoured every year since. It’s so stinkin good.


molluskich t1_ixvkopq wrote

Oh my god same here. I thought I had a double ear infection for the past two days but it's just that the sinus pressure is so great. Wonderful. Covid and flu negative.


stickynohte t1_ixvmccm wrote

To my knowledge… (and take this with a grain of salt) there have been kitchen walkouts already, loooong consecutive days of 12+ hours, and issues with tip pooling/ distribution. Nearly everyone working there last night seemed over it/ exhausted. I’d imagine it’ll be decent money for a while until the splendor wears off and then we’ll see full turnover of the grand opening staff. Source: friend is an employee there.


donkeylipswhenshaven t1_ixvmuhy wrote

If you want a Saturday project they’re also great for pirogi filling. The dough is really just flour, egg, sour cream, water, and a pinch of salt. If you got the gumption it’s a great way to occupy kids for a few hours


Davidm241 t1_ixvyonc wrote

You took that a different direction than I was expecting. I will admit to being highly suspicious of people with bolt cutters who are not in a construction/handyman van.

I am also now recommending a good lock.


wow__okay t1_ixxar2m wrote

My son tested positive Tuesday but had been sick since Sunday. Now he’s at the tail end of being sick and I’m just ramping up. I hope my husband is spared. We all three had our flu shots too.


Fizzster t1_ixxczxc wrote

My entire apartment is experiencing a pretty big drop in water pressure. I'm wondering if anyone else is seeing the same thing.


geneb0322 t1_ixzody0 wrote

I do love some pierogi so I may need to try that. My son wanted to make dumplings a while back so I gave it a try... Apparently I have no sense of how thick dumpling wrappers should be as mine were like little loaves of wet bread with way too much filling in them.