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Anslerts t1_iyapue3 wrote

Not nearly as rad as the Ghostbusters car that vrooms around town. That ride is DOPE.


Opacy t1_iycw3p7 wrote

Between that, the Jurassic Park Jeep, and the person on this sub that drives the Pikachu Beetle, we got movie vehicles covered in this town.


55V35lM t1_iyatkkj wrote

Great for groceries and…. small children


Ditovontease t1_iycns5j wrote

mitt romney would think this is perfect for his dog


donteatmydog t1_iyb72lb wrote

Almost as trashy as the "Shifting Gears, Passing Queers" car I saw this afternoon on Gaskins.


garfobo t1_iybipip wrote

Love me a suped up shitbox


chasetwisters t1_iyb7mkj wrote

You missed the giant BRAZZERS sticker across the bottom of the windshield


MindfulDaydreamer t1_iybp9pw wrote

Saw them in Chester the other day and caught myself staring at it lol.


Fangs_McWolf t1_iybd4h7 wrote

OP, how did you get this picture?

I came here because I saw a guy in a BMW that was texting and driving. He stopped in the middle of an intersection (despite a "do not block intersection" sign that was right in front of him), had on his right turn signal (was in the left turn lane and made a left turn), swerved into the left thru lane in the process of making his left turn, then veered into the right lane before correcting back into the left lane, with his right turn blinker still going. As I was passing, I took a peek and sure enough, texting away like there wasn't anything more important to do (like paying attention to his driving). I honked my horn and that seemed to startle him but his driving improved drastically after that.


amazingD t1_iyboy57 wrote

There is far more than one shitty driver in RVA, I hate to be the one to break the news to you

edit: don't try to type profoundly philosophical reddit comments while you're falling asleep, kids


Fangs_McWolf t1_iybp7jy wrote

>There is far more than one shitty driver in RVA,

Oh I know that. I've seen plenty of them. In fact, you'll notice that some of them have already downvoted my comment.


>I have to be the one to break the news to you

You have to be the one? Sure it doesn't have to be someone else?




Anslerts t1_iyfcv3m wrote

FYI: Honking to Express Anger Contrary to popular belief, a vehicle’s horn is not an instrument for letting other people know they’re bad drivers! It’s never a good idea to use your horn to tell drivers to get out of your way or that you don’t like a driving move they just made. Road rage-related accidents often begin with unnecessary horn honking, and safety should always be your number one priority on the road


Fangs_McWolf t1_iyfdsfh wrote

>46.2-1060. Illegal sirens, whistles, etc.; unlawful use of warning devices; exceptions.
>... It shall further be unlawful for any person at any time to use a horn otherwise than as a reasonable warning...

It was a reasonable warning to him. He was being a danger on the road and it snapped him back to attention, thus resulting in him being alert to what he was actually doing. I didn't do it as a message of "I think you're a bad driver." No, it was to get his attention, which was enough for him to realize that he wasn't aware of what was happening around him.