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SwanOverSunshine t1_iy8omtn wrote

What? Our roads and infrastructure are no better, schools are literally on fire, his handling of the monuments was terrible and caused tons of division in the community. He promised us a nuts and bolts boring mayor and instead we got a divisive, political, big development over the wishes of the people guy (Navy Hill, casino). He’s spending a ton of time doing things to further his career and ambition, not our city (like that ridiculous black mayor group he’s the head of). I’ve also found him very divisive - he showed his true colors when he said people were racist if they didn’t vote for the casino. I’m also really worried he’s majorally kicking the can down the road with the combined sewer issue. This is going to be a huge financial drain on the city and we need to start tackling this soon. Instead, we get nonsense like Richmond Real (which to me has strong overtones that if you don’t look like Stoney, you’re not “real” Richmond). I can’t believe that under his leadership, our school system has gotten worse. Our community used to have a very respected police force, and that trust was shattered. He’s the one appointing the leaders of these institutions.


DarDarRules t1_iy8pj0n wrote

We used never have our finances in order. And now we do. That’s nuts and bolts.

Yes, agree there are major issues with him.

But what I am saying is that this seat is better for him than the Governor seat he is clearly using his current position to aim for. I don’t think he would be successful at Governor because of all these issues, and he is divisive.

McEachin’s seat though is not a state wide and he can be Virginia’s AOC


sleevieb t1_iybjzn0 wrote

Building the same school twice and spending the money 3x as fast as you’re supposed to to fit in election cycles is not “finances” in order.


PyreDruid t1_iy944lu wrote

He’s been a better governor than previous.

The bar is really low.