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twelvesteprevenge t1_iy3vp7k wrote

Aside from running a company that makes its money doing overpriced hack work (a known fact in the Richmond area), he is personally a dick. My neighbors got charged $5k to dig a 3’x2’ hole, patch a pipe, and recover. They made a huge mess that they never cleaned up and left that open hole halfway on my property for weeks so I wrote an email to their service manager. He must’ve bcc’d Basim, who couldn’t resist chiming in on the thread to ridicule me for asking them to clean their shit up. Better to keep your mouth shut and have people think you’re an asshole than to open your mouth and let it be known, I’ve heard.


Prestigious_Laugh300 t1_iy4n45z wrote

Is it possible the neighbors said "save the extra $, we will fill in the hole" and just didn't get around to it?

I certainly would try to do that, sounds like it would be $1k to fill the hole from above prices.