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popeboyQ t1_ixd3ptt wrote

Hey, all of you who like to be assholes to grocery store employees, cut it the fuck out. It's the holidays, be kind. We're stressed out and doing the best we can.

It won't take much for us to snap.


Vajama77 t1_ixda2q1 wrote

I feel you. Most grocery stores are way understaffed and Thanksgiving is like the grocery store's super bowl. Even Publix, which prizes itself for their customer service is scrambling, either everyone has quit or they aren't hiring enough people.


progressiveinva69 t1_ixd6mj4 wrote

I hate people some times. I injured my Achilles and cant go shopping. Did tip an instacart person nicely though. They came through for me this week!. Hope most people are decent.


popeboyQ t1_ixd6u9r wrote

The Instacart people are some of the biggest pricks! Just this morning I had an Instacart lady go full blown mental because we didn't have any honey ham.


NoFanksYou t1_ixdcvvi wrote

Made me think of the ham scene from Christmas with the Kranks


progressiveinva69 t1_ixd763l wrote

I'm sorry to hear that.


popeboyQ t1_ixd8dcy wrote

Shit happens, it's what drove me to make my original comment.

Lady was acting like I killed her kid or something.


momthom427 t1_ixduyf8 wrote

Agreed on the grocery store folks. But can we just be nice to everyone who shows up for work when we are all understaffed? I get yelled at daily for the most trivial stuff. We’re trying to help you so maybe be just a touch patient. Thank you!


DustySleeve t1_ixdj4f6 wrote

I think not fucking with people who get you your food is a pretty basic rule, be it service, retail, or production. Entitlement gone mad i tells ya


theguru1974 t1_ixenb0e wrote

People who wait until the last minute to buy food for the holidays are only putting thselves in the stressful situation to begin with. Easily avoidable. No one deserves to be disrespected.


keirama t1_ixfxn5y wrote

Yes but also some people live paycheck to paycheck and HAVE to wait until the last minute to buy food.