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opienandm t1_ixke53j wrote

Interesting that you took that as an insult rather than an observation of the air of your opinion being superior to that of Black people. This is one of the key aspects of the concept of whiteness.

Thank you providing a real world example with your accusations of racism.


Charlesinrichmond OP t1_ixkg2fh wrote

you are quite literally using skin color as an insult. So you've decided it's an ok thing. Literally, you endorse racism. How can you possibly think that is a good thing? Doesn't the utter hypocrisy just apall you?


opienandm t1_ixki3cd wrote

Your schools failed you. Insult and observation do not mean the same thing. Edit: And you should look up the definition of the word, “literally”. It literally doesn’t mean what you think it does.

I didn’t really expect you to read the linked article, but here’s a passage which almost seems as if it was based on your reactions:

“If you identify as white, acknowledging your white racial identity and its privileges is a crucial step to help end racism. Facing your whiteness is hard and can result in feelings of guilt, sadness, confusion, defensiveness, or fear. Dr. Robin DiAngelo coined the term white fragility to describe these feelings as "a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves." Since white people "live in a social environment that insulates them from race-based stress," whites are rarely challenged and have less of a tolerance to race-based stress.

The feelings associated with white fragility often derail conversations about race and serve to support white supremacy. While these feelings are natural human reactions, staying stuck in any of them hurts the process of creating a more equitable society. The defensiveness, guilt, or denial gets in the way of addressing the racism experienced by people of color.“


Charlesinrichmond OP t1_ixv0gii wrote

you sound like a plantation owner explaining why slavery was good for black people. One day we will move past explanations why "this time our racism is different" I hope.


Charlesinrichmond OP t1_ixuzzc2 wrote

interesting you aren't willing to face the fact you are a racist. You literally define by race and use race as an insult. How can you be so awful and live with yourself?


opienandm t1_ixxpwsm wrote

You are making me really think about things. You may be right and I should probably remove my horrible existence from the earth. Thanks for the nudge, it’s just what I needed.


Charlesinrichmond OP t1_iy48pte wrote

or just stop judging people by their skin color? It's not that hard to not be a racist, you should try it


opienandm t1_iy4xtyn wrote

Present the evidence for your assertion. You won’t, because you can’t. And you knew that the first time you brought racism into the discussion.

It’s so easy and safe to call someone a racist (especially behind an anonymous internet user name), because one doesn’t really have to back it up if it’s interpreted as an opinion. It’s a strategy taken straight from the “white supremacist playbook”. This tactic is often used as an attempt to diffuse the momentum of anti-hate and equality initiatives while providing a thinly-veiled defense of white identity.

This has me questioning your motive for being so inflammatory. I had hoped you were simply being careless with your words, but after all of these non-stop replies calling me a racist it appears there may be more to your objectives than I had first assumed. Go ahead, let it out.


Charlesinrichmond OP t1_iy6b31n wrote

you are a racist. Period. I'm not being inflammatory, I'm wanting you to be better and stop using the color of skin as an insult. You know what that's called? Racist.

I bet you think it's ok to say "jew someone down" and other charming things


opienandm t1_iy6uvl2 wrote

It’s pathetic that you think your contribution to racial equality is bleating, “racist!” like a brainless sheep when anyone threatens your fragile identity. And what exactly have you done to dismantle the racist infrastructure? How is your landlording contributing to improving the lives of the marginalized? What % of your units are below market rate? How many are rented to humans who served prison time due to systemic racism and injustice? I’ll bet it’s ZERO for both, because you probably pride yourself on the “vetting” you perform on your applicants and taking that risk might mean a lower profit, right?. I wonder how your “vetting” would stand up to a Fair Housing Act audit.

Try doing some actual work to improve equity and access for people who don’t have that humongous silver spoon in their mouth like you do, then get back to me. Maybe I’ll invest in your initiative(s) once you demonstrate that you want to be part of the solution rather than exacerbating the hate and racism you seem to lovingly embrace.


Charlesinrichmond OP t1_iy8f1ol wrote

stop being in love with being a racist. Stop defending racism.

Be better