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Rs90 t1_iwge4yb wrote

I worked for Shyndigz/Fancy Biscuit and it was a total shit show the whole time. Total mess with managment like most restaraunts in Richmond.


55V35lM t1_iwgj8s8 wrote

Is there a well run restaurant out there?


Rs90 t1_iwhn7y9 wrote

After 10+ yrs I can say...not really. Most managment either seems to fall into the "I'm a manager but I have no power to fix things" or "I have all the power, never around". Lots of great people and some great managers. But most places overwork, underpaying, and try to expand before fixing issues or investing in issues that will arise.

Most places seem to focus way too heavily on expansion or adding onto the menu/labor without any consideration for the effects. People get burnt out and find somewhere better. Which the article alludes to imo. Bet they cant hire or keep anyone long enough.

Edit- also if any restaurant talks about "family" or some sense of weird loyalty, RUN. It means they're gonna tack on more work without raises and expect you to be all "we're a team!" about it while grinding you into dust until you quit or your spirit breaks enough to stick around for years. Don't.


barryblowhole t1_iwgfjty wrote

Any truth to the rumor of ownership/management pocketing cc tips?


asiagobagelslut t1_iwgttee wrote

Woah what?


barryblowhole t1_iwgu7v8 wrote

There has been tell on this sub of various owners pocketing cc tips, most infamously at circuit and slingshot, but shyndigz was also mentioned.


VAisforLizards t1_iwixd26 wrote

Interesting... I'm part of the class action suit against the owners of circuit and slingshot from my time working there, but i haven't had any updates on it a while


Ok_Boysenberry_4223 t1_iwj1okm wrote

Origin brewing was doing that (for a while at least). They said it was to build up a Covid relief fund for staff, but my friends who worked there and got Covid never saw any relief.


[deleted] t1_iwgy8hk wrote



catmmy50 t1_iwh635l wrote

Too rich and expensive


xDocFearx t1_iwj3beg wrote

I believe Decadent is the word you’re looking for


catmmy50 t1_iwnx2x5 wrote

Stomach hurting. Sugar overload


xDocFearx t1_iwo9idt wrote

Then only eat a bit, you’re not supposed to eat the whole thing. I’d also say they are more butter focused than sugar