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barryblowhole t1_iwgfjty wrote

Any truth to the rumor of ownership/management pocketing cc tips?


asiagobagelslut t1_iwgttee wrote

Woah what?


barryblowhole t1_iwgu7v8 wrote

There has been tell on this sub of various owners pocketing cc tips, most infamously at circuit and slingshot, but shyndigz was also mentioned.


VAisforLizards t1_iwixd26 wrote

Interesting... I'm part of the class action suit against the owners of circuit and slingshot from my time working there, but i haven't had any updates on it a while


Ok_Boysenberry_4223 t1_iwj1okm wrote

Origin brewing was doing that (for a while at least). They said it was to build up a Covid relief fund for staff, but my friends who worked there and got Covid never saw any relief.