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ChuckBS t1_ixyw1c5 wrote

Quite honestly, I don’t like the holidays that much. I know I should, but it’s a time of year that brings up unpleasant memories for me. That said, my neighbors are taking about wanting to do a tuk-tuk tacky light tour this year. Maybe that’ll be fun.


Davidm241 t1_ixz45s0 wrote

I’m right there with you. My Dad had a massive stroke Christmas Day last year. He lived, but isn’t the same. Christmas used to be my favorite holiday. This year I’m not feeling it at all.


Ashbin t1_ixzs027 wrote

My dad, several years ago, fell off the roof of the house (cleaning leaves off) just a couple of days after Christmas -- he passed away from massive head trauma. It wasn't the same after that.


Top-Painting-1301 t1_iy01stn wrote

I’m so sorry. Losing a parent is never easy, especially around the holidays ❤️


moxieenplace t1_ixzjz8e wrote

I’m so sorry, that sounds like a lot to process. I hope your holiday season ends up still having some good vibes this year.


foxcat505 t1_ixzh15y wrote

Yep the holidays get a lot tougher with age - I am always relieved when January comes around. Dreary? Yes! But at least the holidays are over. My family is historically dysfunctional and now we’ve settled into meeting up for holidays but don’t interact the rest of the year. Also have the same issue with unpleasant memories. Hanging with friends is def the way to go. Tuk tuk tour with neighbors sounds fun.


ChuckBS t1_ixziuuo wrote

Yeah, this year my partner and I just said “Let’s not do Christmas.” So we’re going on vacation over the holidays instead. It’ll be nice to just mail off some presents and not worry about anything else.


PickanickBasket t1_ixzko6q wrote

One of my favorite Christmases was spent on an island in Belize.


foxcat505 t1_ixzpe4m wrote

That’s a wonderful idea! Having a supportive and like minded partner is the best Christmas gift. I’m still waiting for mine but a psychic said they are right around the corner.


ChuckBS t1_ixzqbyx wrote

There’s rarely been a day in the past ten years where I haven’t told her how lucky I feel to have her in my life. I hope your psychic is right.