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_MellowGold t1_iy87f9x wrote

Richmond REAL


Professional_Book912 OP t1_iy88jo9 wrote

How is this so hard? It's not like a new problem. My guess is that COVID had money come to them that they used for housing, then it dried up and there was no plan.


If only the casino was here.


AlreadyShrugging t1_iy88uhc wrote

> then it dried up and there was no plan.

That’s the Richmond Real™.


Professional_Book912 OP t1_iy89fu7 wrote

Make a shelter, close it, open them, close them, no plan.


seems about right. Did Ann Lambert help? She can tell them to fix their own problems.


NuttingOnNutzy t1_iy8izjs wrote

“Our projections show the need for beds in cold weather shelters will decrease as more of the homeless population freezes to death”


Asterion7 t1_iy8b6q6 wrote

> > >If only the casino was here.

This is a joke right?


Professional_Book912 OP t1_iy8zfqq wrote

Of Course.


Just surprised it has not come up from the administration that the taxes from the casino would have covered this.


jodyhighrola t1_iy8ecmr wrote

As Richmond grows, the homeless population grows too. This happens everywhere, yet cities can't seem to see it coming (one can assume why). There is virtually no realistic strategy to house low income people in this country. They get displaced and then face a tremendous uphill battle to get back to stability. Then we just ignore and look down on them.


Professional_Book912 OP t1_iy8zjlm wrote

displaced over and over again. We have agencies that drive folks to the next county over.


goodsam2 t1_iy9rovu wrote

The answer to take a bite out of the homeless population is SROs. As well as building more housing.


Remerez t1_iyebcl4 wrote

Capitalism baby! The more challenging times get, the more you see homeless to scare you into working to death. Lived in Seattle for 8 years, and 3rd street was insane!


ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_iy8i1zg wrote

Looks to be about 280 places that could be generously and dutifully opening doors to a warm space in the evenings to those in need.


oh_hello_rva t1_iy8l7jk wrote

I agree—though to be fair, some are, and have been since the 80s. CARITAS started out as "Congregations Around Richmond Involved To Assure Shelter."


LivingInTheDoldrums t1_iy8jvrz wrote

What Would Joel Osteen Do?


AlreadyShrugging t1_iy8vm66 wrote

Absolutely fucking nothing.


ForJJ t1_iy8xdr3 wrote

That's not true. He would buy another jet. He needs at least 1 more


x__13__x t1_iy9twvc wrote

Watch his wife with another man. Oh wait, that's the other guy.


Professional_Book912 OP t1_iy8zx88 wrote

That is a list of churches, not shelters. I don't see many churches opening their doors for the homeless. They do not have the capacity. Not only that, most Christians now do not care about the homeless any more than a sales tool.


Can you confirm any of those had their doors open last night?


If you have these answers, why are you not involved?


Nothing2SeeHere4U t1_iy90rxg wrote

That is OPs point. Churches are tax free because of supposed community benefit. OP is suggesting that if their actions matched their rhetoric they would open their doors for people in need


Professional_Book912 OP t1_iy91xm0 wrote

Churches are a big reason we are in this mess. Without context it is basically "here is a link to churches, figure it out". I figured it was Ann Lambert in disguise.


ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_iy996sg wrote

Nope. Just someone who thinks that churches should eithet pay taxes or do more. There's one on every corner. I understand there is Caritas. I'm aware of outliers existing.


ComprehensiveSail154 t1_iy8l94p wrote

I hate this. The thought of anyone not having a safe place to fall asleep at night, (let alone warmth, food, basic needs), is horrifying.


Professional_Book912 OP t1_iy905q8 wrote

Where do our taxes go? We had the homeless covered before COVID.


militantrubberducky t1_iy9jphi wrote

This is part of the problem with having each city in charge of these types of programs. No proper oversight and a huge disparity in response.

I moved here from South Florida last year, and it was eye-opening to me how different government is. There, all the cities are considered a part of the county and the county provides overall services (like waste management, shelter services, transit, etc.) This helped ensure that if you lived in a poorer district of the county you could still get access to quality services. Here, it's just dismal.

What is the process for holding our officials responsible?


nRust t1_iy8sqoz wrote

Did anyone see they bulldozed over the homeless camp in the parking lot next to the bus terminal this morning? Pretty gut wrenching


jodyhighrola t1_iy8xcfz wrote

I came here from Austin, which has an out of control homeless problem. They are constantly bulldozing homeless camps around the city, like whack-a-mole.

Some seem to just move on to the next spot, and some filter out into the woods where they are less likely to be seen. The city would implement symbolic solutions to help a tiny number of them, like converting unused storage facilities into temp shelter. Meanwhile, the residents are torn between "we have to help them" and "I don't want to see them everywhere I like going".

We live in a first world country and play with peoples' lives like they're insects. It's class warfare.


Tylerjb4 t1_iyaybgh wrote

Ah yes, Saudi Arabia, the poster child of human compassion


Tylerjb4 t1_iyay5mb wrote

They set up camp next to a construction site. Did you want it placed on the registry of historic places?


Cipher_zer0 t1_iyajkfq wrote

I saw a man sleeping under the bridge near the Diversity Thift the night before thanksgiving. Things are really getting bad.


Altruistic_Peach_791 t1_iy8fjal wrote

We need to allocate more $$ to our homeless citizens before funding illegals.


ForJJ t1_iy8xpfk wrote

Or we could help both and stop having endless wars. We are the wealthiest nation on earth, but the wealthy keep getting richer and don't pay their fair share.


Altruistic_Peach_791 t1_iy8zect wrote

Not a Popular comment but the wealthy pay more in taxes than some make in a lifetime.


ForJJ t1_iy921e4 wrote

Thry pay less than an average couple pays as a percentage of income, which is they only way to look at taxes


ZephyrInfernum t1_iy9z0k0 wrote

In sheer dollars, maybe. Not as a percentage of income which is all that matters here.

Also, no human is illegal.


sometimes_rawl t1_iybgguo wrote

Have you ever even met an immigrant without a visa? Do you know most of these people work for less than minimum wage and avoid anything that would put them under the eye of the public in fear of deportation. You literally cannot get state/federal unemployment/welfare without a social security number. Please educate yourself before blaming the disenfranchised for capitalist failure.


pchnboo t1_iycnl5j wrote

I think you’ve got it backwards. Illegals fund us to the tune of $5 billion a year. They pay for social security benefits they’ll never receive. Our economy would crumble on so many levels without the undocumented workers.


jodyhighrola t1_iy8xhfg wrote

edit: not a pro-trump gif



carbondrewtonium t1_iyb7uxw wrote

I’m assuming it’s being downvoted because it’s negative and unhelpful, as opposed to pro-trump misunderstandings