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_sarten t1_ixxsg4s wrote

I was pulled over on the Lee Bridge many years ago for "breaking traction" ( sqealing wheels ) turning onto the bridge coming out of OH. I was going slow. What the man heard was a wailing guitar on the radio. He aked me to do a sobriety test there on that bridge. As I was looking 60' down over the railing on the sidewalk, I said no way. Then, a truck came by and slamed on the brakes right beside us. The bridge gave a good heave ho. I reminded the officer of the concept of " neutral ground." He had no idea what that was until the day of court, the day the prosecutor dropped the charge.

I had researched the bridges type and construction. It is supposed to move. It is engineered to move. It sits on saddles and has expansion joints.

¡Thank you! to the driver of that truck!