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GhostWriter52025 t1_j29mmvp wrote

Random kinda funny story I don't really have a way of telling most of the time:

He gets votes because he likes to try and make personal connections with people to give off a "grassroots" vibe. One time he apparently decided I was a target of one of those connections, I'm pretty sure he picks at random while campaigning. Unfortunately for him, I frequently used my mom's address for stuff, because I didn't want anything getting delivered to my house if I wasn't there and she lived 10 minutes up the road. So he ended up at my mom's house trying to talk to me about his campaign. Instead, he got my bored brother, who had nothing better to do, so he didn't correct him on who he was, and let him waste 30 minutes before finally saying "Oh, you're looking for GhostWriter52025? Nah, I'm his brother. I can't even vote, man." He told me about it later, and we had a good laugh over wasting his time. Then we both voted for definitely not him, because he should've left that young girl the hell alone


Deast t1_j2bzgnk wrote

Boy, you sure showed him! You wasted his time as he tried to, you know, actually talk to his constituency! He's SUCH a monster! And you REALLY got him good by doing nothing! WOW!


GhostWriter52025 t1_j2c704c wrote

At no point did I claim I did anything, at no point did I say he was already representing the area, and pretending like his relationship with her isn't bad is hella disingenuous, but go off homie