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CandidRip2752 t1_j1bthy7 wrote

Gf here. I’m not big into guns but my bf (OP) has been considering it for a while anyway. I’m going to get some mace for myself but if he does end up getting a firearm, I’ll be sure to take the classes for it too.


Charlesinrichmond t1_j1e0qew wrote

that sounds wise. I would base the decision on your own needs in general though... it's quite unlikely to have have a house in the MD/Fan broken into while occupied (though not impossible as you obviously know!)

There was a stretch where VCU girls apartments were invaded in the eastern fan though. My wife feels more comfortable with a gun in the house, I don't really care either way, but I like shooting skeet so I've had a shotgun around for a fair bit of my life. I think an alarm and mace would be fine. My perspective is influenced by the fact I'm a rather large man who is used to working with deadly things and in bad areas, so not a usual target

If you do have a gun in the house you should absolutely go to the range and shoot it and get comfortable with it. Having one without experience is not a good idea

I do think Cameras are a great idea, and alarms are a good one too. Simplisafe is easy to install and fairly priced


CandidRip2752 t1_j1f78fs wrote

Thanks for the input! You’re the second person that has mentioned Simplisafe, so I’ll have to look into it.

As far as a firearm goes, if we do end up getting one I will definitely take all the classes I need to be sure I am comfortable with it. I’m glad that screaming at him to get out was all I needed this time. He clearly didn’t think anyone was home.


Charlesinrichmond t1_j1ipl5j wrote

yeah, that'd be my guess. Breakins seem more likely in the day around here for that reason. Ex outbuildings