Submitted by FrancistheBison t3_1004fah in rva

Curious. I and a friend + their partner that I haven't interacted with in over a week both came down with a really mild case of... Something? Started yesterday and symptoms are diarrhea, nausea, aches, chills, fatigue. I've had norovirus and rotavirus and this is nothing like that - this is super mild, no vomiting, and a nausea pill gets you back to probably 75% feeling fine. Tested for covid just in case (despite no respiratory symptoms) and tested negative. I have not eaten alfalfa sprouts recently (the most recent CDC outbreak from a couple days ago). Also I just realized today that my cat has similar symptoms that started around the same time as me. (That could just be a coincidence but I looked it up and found that both cats and humans can have Salmonella and pass it to the other species)

Just wondering if this is more widespread in the area or if the problem is coming from inside the house



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jeb_hoge t1_j2ffl8l wrote

That really does sound like food poisoning/salmonella, doesn't it?


FrancistheBison OP t1_j2fh33f wrote

There's so many stomach bugs that have the same symptoms so it's hard to distinguish just by looking up the symptoms/onset timeline.

Like every single one is "nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever/chills, aches" The cat piece (since they can't catch most human stomach diseases) plus I know this isn't rota/noro is really the only thing that's making me think Salmonella vs like ecoli clostridium perfringens, listeria etc etc

It's just weird, never had something like this before and the fact that two people that I haven't seen in longer time than the incubation period (so likely got this independently) also makes me think that maybe it's from an minor outbreak in the area

Just all guesses at this point


jeb_hoge t1_j2fhkea wrote

In any case, please feel better soon!


FrancistheBison OP t1_j2fhswn wrote

Thanks! 🤞 Here's hoping. FWIW it says most healthy adults get through it fine in a couple days so hopefully it'll clear up by next week.


MutunusTutunus t1_j2fgb0o wrote

I'm going through this right now, exact same symptoms in waves.


GrandmaPoses t1_j2foz3z wrote

I had it in late October. Exact same symptoms - extreme fatigue, some nausea, chills - lasted about 2-3 days. Tested negative for COVID and flu. No idea what it was and why no one else in my house got it. Anyone who’s had similar has been unable to find an answer as to what it actually is, as far as I know.


RVAblues t1_j2ftw0g wrote

I have it. I did think it was food poisoning at first, but as it wore on, it felt more like a virus.

Started Thursday night. Came on really fast—like one moment I’m fine and then 10 seconds later the floor dropped out. No vomiting (though I really wanted to), but the bathroom stuff started yesterday afternoon.

I didn’t put 2 and 2 together OP, but one of my cats was ill over Christmas. Weird too. It’s not like goes and hangs out with other cats to get sick from. He didn’t touch his food for 2 days. Now I can fully sympathize.


skeevy-stevie t1_j2fh37f wrote

Got this in south Florida this morning… been a hell of a day.


fairylites t1_j2fs3sb wrote

Had this a few weeks ago. No clue what it was


ansrcat t1_j2fh19p wrote

This is hitting my house right now. I'm mostly fine but have some overall malaise and my spouse has been feeling pretty bad for two days. I've got some friends who have it as well.