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twampster t1_j1j8k24 wrote

A friend and I did a 1x1x24 around this time last year and had a blast. I’d join you for a loop or two, but I’m heavily pregnant this year. Good luck!


SirDigbyChckenCaeser t1_j1jbvyw wrote

u/twampster ‘s husband here - I’m not heavily pregnant! I’d be down to join for a loop or two. I can also take photos/video if you like.


svdggm OP t1_j1jcfwk wrote

Oh, hoorah! I’ll message you to line up details after Christmas. Looking forward to it!


svdggm OP t1_j1xii4p wrote

Just sent a chat request with some planning details.


svdggm OP t1_j1jbxyc wrote

Aw — congratulations! Maybe next year, then. 😉 Good luck to you, too!