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althill t1_j121604 wrote

It wasn’t the state that conducted this caucus, the local party did. They are working with a limited timetable and limited budget.


RobRVA t1_j122zp1 wrote

It’s not like a concert or something grow A back bone and get in there and vote! Oh no not you, the slightest annoyance and you “nope” out of your responsibility. I could happily go my entire life with out meeting anyone with a will not do attitude like yours.


systematical t1_j125btd wrote

Some people already had plans on an unexpected primary Tuesday. Couldn't risk my night, good for you Rob, enjoy your upvotes. How about the party organizes more voting places instead of putting it on voters?


Soloemilia t1_j129kdz wrote

The party organized this in days due to the governors timeline


iinaytanii t1_j13jk4r wrote

Wow couldn’t that congressmen give more warning of when he was going to die so as to not inconvenience anyone?


RobRVA t1_j15a32i wrote

Dude you admitted you were right there and turned around


systematical t1_j17gsz0 wrote

Yeah, wasn't going to wait in a line without knowing how long it would take. I had a 30 minute window to vote and couldn't risk being late to another obligation. Wtf would you do?


systematical t1_j125j8o wrote

Boohoo. They suck.


OnARedditDiet t1_j126yxl wrote

The governor intentionally gave little notice for this election to force a rushed primary before the holiday.

You are fine deciding not to vote but your comments are misplaced.


systematical t1_j127cyx wrote

I've heard that theory. What could possibly be the motive? Republicans were under a similar constraint.


OnARedditDiet t1_j127msv wrote

It's a district heavily favored for Democrats, the Republicans ran 1 polling place for the same district because they knew it did not matter.

This was the governor wanting the Democrats to look disorganized which, evidenced by the complaints here, did happen. (IMO they did pretty darn well considering)