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RVA_Lakeside t1_j29zaof wrote

Why don't you go put hands on him then?


No_Mans_Skybox t1_j2a7grq wrote

Why doesn't literally anyone? Nothing is going to keep happening if that's the response folks keep giving when someone recommends a course of action, dude still has a point in spite of your snark.


RVA_Lakeside t1_j2abn57 wrote

You two can team up and run a neighborhood patrol? Stand up for your neighborhood!


No_Mans_Skybox t1_j2b7rab wrote

I will name it "Le Doodoobutt Patrol" and we will wear onesies with dook on em


RVA_Lakeside t1_j2abi5a wrote

What's snarky about that comment? This poster said "until someone physically catches this guy and handles it themselves" and I simply stated why don't you be the one to physically catch him?
