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Funny_Level4422 t1_j0h7uox wrote

The point is that these organizations have been exploiting very vulnerable people for years and making a HUGE profit while doing it. These are just bad people, I’m beyond happy they’re being exposed. Hopefully one of the installments will focus on the fact that Ms. Fulcher’s baby daddy (and half owner of true recovery), Coleman Mundie, has been getting women bonded to their organization and violating PREA by sleeping with them (Ms. Fultcher was one of them). It’s borderline sex trafficking to funnel women into your organization and assault them knowing if they speak out you have the power to take their freedom. These people need to be in prison period.


VAisforLizards t1_j0lu2gp wrote

If that is supposed to be the message then it is incredibly poorly presented.


beatyouwithahammer t1_j0ntc8r wrote

It's OK to admit you're not interested in the topic.


VAisforLizards t1_j0nun2y wrote

I'm incredibly interested in the topic. I am an addict in long term recovery and i have had interactions with many of the people named. There may be some good information that may be important for people to know, but you wouldn't know it by reading this trash


Raw-Squirrel0820 t1_j0o5m0d wrote

Let me guess. You're a barista, or you do construction clean-up. You read a Hunter S. Thompson book in jail, and you post pics of your food with your step work casually visible in the background.