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Charlesinrichmond t1_j2b4e0k wrote

What the actual f*** is with people who bang their dog's poop and then leave the poop filled bag on the sidewalk. What in the hell is the thought process


Pitiful-Benefit2733 t1_j2b6o2t wrote

Not excusing the behavior, but I've seen people who are walking their dog place the bag and then pick it up on the way back home. To avoid walking around with a bag of poop.


indieschoollib t1_j2baefp wrote

I've thought that maybe this is why it's done too, but the poo bags just stay in the same place day after day until a car runs them over. The number of abandoned bags also seem too numerous for them to have been forgotten. It's a mystery!


ichheissekate t1_j2dxfnm wrote

Honestly the leaving it somewhere thing isn’t acceptable. Instead of the dog owner dealing with their own dog’s waste, now everyone walking by wherever the owner left the shit bag gets to see it and smell it. It’s still littering temporarily, and its selfish of owners who do this to make everyone else smell it so they don’t have to.


Stampdaddy7 t1_j2bxwv8 wrote

I do this at Forest Hill park several times a week. My dogs shit on the way down the hill to the lake, bag it and leave it just off the trail to grab on the hike back out.

I used to leave them out of sight behind trees or bushes but then I lost a pair of them one time so I just kind of leave them next to the path.


Doctor_Hero73 t1_j2f4wpj wrote

I’m guilty of this. I always try to tuck it away a bit first though and always make extra sure not to forget it