Submitted by Top-Experience-8874 t3_zpvbzp in rva

This morning I got an email about how the cold that’s hitting us next week is 30-50 degrees below average and how frostbite can kick in at 5 min exposure to nighttime temperatures…. My first thought was for my unhoused neighbors who I see along the canal walk and trails near it . I’m going to order handwatmers and gloves and socks and make cold preventative bags to give out , but one person can do so much so if anyone has old gloves or socks (warm kind) or hats and wants to add them in or even if you want to go with me to hand out next week I figured I’d post because a group effort would probably get more done :)



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Professional_Book912 t1_j0vdklb wrote

I am not sure where you got that info about frostbite, but it takes longer than 5 min.


I would suggest putting some time in here: because that gives you a backbone to work from. I am sure they can use help with donation management!


Top-Experience-8874 OP t1_j0vj0xq wrote

I got that from the email I received today from cnn weather alerts - and thanks for the link 🫶🏽


dj1200techniques t1_j0vibru wrote

You're going to get downvoted because this sub gets in its feefees over the word "homeless." It makes them feel virtuous when they use performative language so my advice... mask the URL with


iPsychosis t1_j0vytac wrote

Man, it must get tiring being so insufferable about everything


dj1200techniques t1_j0wrzjs wrote

The feeling is mutual. It gives me great solace though, that you weirdos are mostly confined to Reddit and the vast majority of the real world thinks like I do.


existential_rainbow t1_j0wn3uh wrote

There are two inclement weather shelters open every evening in Richmond when the temperature is below 40.


needsexyboots t1_j0x242g wrote

During our last cold snap, they had to turn people away - the two shelters unfortunately aren’t sufficient to provide space for all of the homeless in the city


existential_rainbow t1_j0x336t wrote

I agree. Richmond (and the counties) need to be doing more. And not just in the winter