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Jesweez t1_j204529 wrote

Aldi and farmer’s markets


Gamegis t1_j204n0p wrote

Wegmans — They have a huge variety, good quality, and reasonable prices. People think wegmans is expensive but really only if their delicious baked goods lure you in


lame_gaming t1_j205iym wrote

kroger or lidl, they taste alright ig

but i do love new grand!


JamesBhand-007 t1_j206rpu wrote

Same with New Grand! I also go to Kroger and am happy with their produce.


SarahAnnimal t1_j207821 wrote

This! I used to do ALDI or Lidl, but their produce (especially ALDI) has been disappointing. Prices at Wegmans are much more comparable with inflation and the quality is great.


WontArnett t1_j20b4up wrote

Ellwood Thompson’s or a Farmers Market


atctia t1_j20exe7 wrote

I usually do Kroger or Wegmans


CmdrHorizon t1_j20injy wrote

I usually get my produce from Whole Foods. Shopped at Kroger and New Grand Mart too but I’ve found that WF consistently have the least bruised, freshest looking produce


sleevieb t1_j20njnr wrote

25th market is secretly a new grand and that produce plus more "western normal" dry goods, CRAZY variety pork cuts, and the killer produce makes it the best grocery store.

Don't even get me strated on that hot bar!!!!


Chickenmoons t1_j20q56z wrote

New Grand Mart has the best prices on produce and is usually fresher with a better selection than almost any other store. Aldi and Lidl tend to have the left overs of produce and it doesn’t last long, Kroger is a bit better but always pricier, Publix is the priciest and the quality can be better but Wegman’s usually has the best produce but it’s not easy for me to get to so I just stick to New Grand Mart.


danadane1419 t1_j20t9eo wrote

I normally go to the farmers market at Bryan park but since they are closed until after the holidays I went to Wegmans and New Grand


geneb0322 t1_j21o43u wrote

Whatever grocery store I happen to be in at the time. Sometimes Food Lion is the closest, sometimes it is Publix. Very, very rarely it'll be Kroger.

We'll get some produce from New Grand Mart when we are there, but largely I have been disappointed in it. A lot of their stuff is just fine, but things like strawberries and raspberries are consistently less fresh than anywhere else I normally go so we usually stick to the more exotic produce from them.


benuski t1_j234vmd wrote

I get most of my veggies from Seasonal Roots, which delivers farm direct veggies from local farmers. After that I use Pole Green Produce when they're open, and then Kroger


BoldlyBaldwin t1_j23mdw6 wrote

Usually Aldis, it’s cheaper and most times better quality. If Kroger has a good sale, I will stock up there as well