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whateverforever421 t1_j267pcu wrote

Just pay for a babysitter, a concert is not the place for an infant, ear plugs or not…


1975hh3 t1_j2799u0 wrote

Don’t be those people.


Walters0bchak241 t1_j267o9h wrote

I believe they are allowed and don't need a ticket but they do have to watch the merch table for 30 minutes.



Madvapes311 t1_j28v6tz wrote

Your infant and everyone around you will not have a good time. Pls don't do this.


ludditeposer t1_j27fo0j wrote

Just don’t do it …unless it’s the wiggles or something. Are they still a thing?


vanillavikins t1_j293168 wrote

Why would you bring an infant to the National....


Alone-Chemical-1160 t1_j274rpf wrote

Its definitely not allowed.

Especially since covid.

Also, another new policy states that tall people now have to stand at least 75 feet from the front of the stage.

This is the way.


Myfourcats1 t1_j291b86 wrote

Covid is going around RVA too. I currently have it for the first time. There’s no way I take an infant to a crowded space.


Hiltson87 t1_j28le4j wrote

Ticket Master probably has infant specific fees.


XxBoognishxX t1_j292plf wrote

You definitely can't let it drink a beer. Wait, unless it's your infant. I think if they are under 18 they can drink with a parent.


daisyelf06 t1_j26dt35 wrote

There was definitely a baby wearing mama at a show I went to this month. I can't imagine they'd need a ticket but maybe call the box office to be sure.


dalhectar t1_j281iz4 wrote

All these comments and practically no answers.

Opinions are like assholes.


bwolf180 t1_j29anvx wrote

So I have a three year old and a 9 month old. Guess where I’m not going? To a freaking concert. This is a crazy question to even ask. If you need a night off get a babysitter.