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GrayRVA t1_j1i2z1c wrote

You speak with much wisdom. I don’t think it has electric backup, but I have 3 space heaters. I’m assuming a visit from the company that installed it is in order. It’s 53 downstairs.

Edit: Called heat pump “company” expecting to leave a VM about coming by next week. The recording said “My truck is broken. Hopefully it gets fixed soon. Byeeeee!”


McFlare92 t1_j1i5zup wrote

Are you doing OK? We'll be out and about for a bit and could drop off extra blankets or something if you are in need! I might even have a heated blanket


GrayRVA t1_j1klw3k wrote

Oh my gosh! I wasn’t expecting everyone to be so thoughtful and kind! Humanity WTF. I was absolutely fine because I have an upstairs and downstairs heat pump. Only one shit the bed.


balance07 t1_j1ib935 wrote

I would definitely expect a heat pump system installed in our area to have electric backup heat. If that's not coming on, then you may have a thermostat/control problem. Def get someone to check it out, but good luck doing that during this cold snap :(