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rvarjg t1_j2f8fpu wrote

I think you are probably going to have to try a few out to find your people but there are some details on the meetings in there. Plus you can find ones close to work or home.

All my best.


WontArnett t1_j2f93ps wrote

It’s recommended to try at least 6 meetings, because they’re all different with different people.


queeromarlittle t1_j2fhsue wrote

Download the app Meeting Guide. It usually gives a good description of each meeting


Altruistic_Peach_791 t1_j2floh4 wrote

Lots of great folks there! Most groups are very welcoming to newcomers too.


Jellyfishes_OW t1_j2fp9zm wrote

I don't have anything to suggest other than what others have told you, but I wanted to say: it's super awesome that you want to make this change! Go you!!


miqcie t1_j2fux7r wrote

r/stopdrinking is a great sub for support.