Submitted by kmblake3 t3_zy7dgb in rva

Before I start - I’ve searched the sub but obviously things have changed a lot in the past few months since other posts were made.

Any recommendations for best rates? I just got my renewal package for one of my vehicles insured through AllState. I’m 26(F), drive a 2013 CRV, clean driving record, and live in the city. I have basic full-coverage, no crazy low deductible. My premium is jumping up to almost $800 (which makes my monthly almost $25 more than I’m currently paying). Ideally I would love to be able to put both of my cars under one policy, but when I looked to do that with AllState and Progressive, which my other car is insured through, it was outrageous so it’s been cheaper to keep them separate. Any help is much appreciated!



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10698 t1_j2487qb wrote

I think a lot of people are seeing huge rate increases lately. There was a thread in r/nova three days ago with lots of good discussion.

My Progressive policy is up for renewal in January. Two cars, full coverage, excellent driving record, excellent credit, over five years with Progressive, and several claims during that time - none our fault (cars hit while parked on the street, etc).

I'm used to rates creeping up a little bit at each renewal, but this time I'm jumping from around $600/6 months to over $940/6 months. The information they sent with the renewal tries really hard to explain the increase, but it reads like the silliest, most contradictory thing I've ever seen come out of an insurance company. Here's the gist -- If I had time to sit here and redact the personal info I'd post it -- it's a fun read.

  • I'm a 5-star VIP ultra gold something-or-another and they love having me as a customer.
  • I've had a few claims. None of them were my fault and they're not holding any of them against me. But, a few sentences later, they note that they're considering those claims when determining my rate increase anyway.
  • I have excellent credit. Outstanding. Some of the best in town. Exceeds expectations. Couldn't ask for more. FICO 840+. Several paragraphs of praise. But I had the audacity to apply for a single credit card 6 months ago. Sorry, gotta raise my rates.
  • They did a manual review and looked at a lot of stuff that they don't look at when writing a new policy. I am specifically invited to cancel the policy and come back as a new customer where I will almost surely obtain a more favorable rate which does not take as many factors into consideration - such as that credit card I had the nerve to open. (WTF - am I a Sprint customer again? Gotta leave and come back for the best deal?)

Bottom line -- they just want to raise rates but apparently need to find any justification to do so. I'll be shopping around for another insurance company myself. Progressive's handling of our last two claims was abysmal and a number of shops in town now flat-out refuse to work with Progressive customers for some reason. I can't justify a 50% rate increase for subpar service, and if I leave, it's not going to be so I can come right back at a lower rate.


kmblake3 OP t1_j2496ab wrote

That is absolutely ridiculous. I knew they check credit scores, but penalizing you for a new credit card??? Unreal. I have my other car (2008 Mazda, paid off) insured through them, but I have basic coverage since it’s old and not worth paying crazy coverage for. Very good to know about this experience because I’ll be dammed if I’m going to consider insuring both cars through them, much less continue with just the one. Can’t wait to see what my rates do when that renewal period comes.


tvfanstan t1_j2f9aw4 wrote

Haha, same thing happened to me. I had my monthly rate raised 17 bucks a month. I have a 800 plus credit score. Was told it was due to opening a new credit card in March of 2022. Was mind blowing to me.


brads-1 t1_j248dcu wrote

Call a local independent agent. Look for an annual policy, and pay it all at once, not monthly payments. Granted I'm older than you. married and live in the county, but I'm under $1200 a year for 2 cars, a 2021 SUV and a 2014 pickup. That's with full coverage, 500/500/500 and $500 deductible.


kmblake3 OP t1_j249kvm wrote

I’ve debated starting to pay all at once, just a steep sum of money to drop when I’m still at that in between of being a full adult vs adult in training lol. Getting married in 2023 though, how much does that typically help with rates??


brads-1 t1_j24bfm2 wrote

Been married 36 years, I honestly don't remember how much of a discount it was. I do save up for the insurance hit, put it on the credit card to get the points then pay the card off right away.


kmblake3 OP t1_j24c7mq wrote

Also a great idea that would definitely help with paying it up front. Didn’t even think of that so we at least get some cash back


89kmarie t1_j26o6bc wrote

We pay ours every 6 months. Got married in August, bill was due in October. When I went to pay, I updated our marital status and we received a $40 credit + it took $150 off of our 6 month rate (2 cars). I was really surprised that it would make such a big difference!

  • edit: we have Progressive

drkev10 t1_j24weos wrote

This is the best advice on here. Go through someone who's job it is to find you the best rates possible. It doesn't cost you anything and I'm pretty sure they only get paid if you get the product through them.


BubbleWrapGuy t1_j24cr3r wrote

Switch both to a provider you haven't had (or haven't had in a while). When Geico jacked my rate up to $135/mo (after years of clean driving history) I went to Progressive and Allstate for quotes -- both offered me something around $72/mo. It's just a stupid adult thing to have to shop around and change insurance companies yearly.


kmblake3 OP t1_j24d1zw wrote

It’s infuriating. AllState wants me paying for my one car almost the price I’m currently paying for both cars in this next period. It’s criminal!


BubbleWrapGuy t1_j251hrp wrote

Yeah, I hear you. Insurance of any sort is a racket. They're hoping everyone is too lazy to take 20 minutes to get a quote and switch over -- it doesn't matter how safe/good/reliable a driver you are, the rates always go up. Geico jacked up the rates on my SO as well -- she's got a Prius and a short school bus. Went from $110/mo to $197/mo. She is currently shopping around for better rates.


JakeTheDog424 t1_j247g0z wrote

Reach out to an agency and have them shop quotes for you. There is GLM Insurance Agency (ask for Jennifer) or Ball-Martin Insurance. I had Ball-Martin do quotes for me and GLM did a friend of mine. You will absolutely find better rates and coverage through an agent rather than building your own online. Some insurance companies can also only be purchased through agents and they are definitely worth looking into. I work in this industry as an adjuster so if you need anything else just let me know.


kmblake3 OP t1_j249nqq wrote

Really appreciate it! Do you recommend one over the other?


JakeTheDog424 t1_j24abm6 wrote

I think both are fantastic. Jennifer is really sweet and has been in the industry her whole life as it is a family business her father started. Their office is right across the street from Top Golf downtown. Ball-Martin is super concise and professional. Either is a win in my opinion. :)


WontArnett t1_j248ku5 wrote

State Farm has always been good to me


cutejnny t1_j247011 wrote

I have Elephant and mine also jumped up about $30/month during renewal for next year. I compared with Geico and it was about the same amount. I think they raised the minimum liability required for VA and that's what the adjustment's for


kmblake3 OP t1_j247iep wrote

Good to know. I always hate when renewal time comes and I get a surprise increase. It’s one thing if it’s only a few bucks, but the last two renewals have been $15-20 each.


[deleted] t1_j2488bx wrote



kmblake3 OP t1_j2499wa wrote

Noted, I will definitely be giving them a call then!


groundcontrol3 t1_j24bi5b wrote

Rates are going up across the country due to claims costs skyrocketing. This is driven by the increase in vehicle value for used cars and due to increased bodily injury costs. Best thing to do is get multiple quotes from various insurance companies every time your policy is up for renewal.


nezukomoon t1_j24k1ib wrote

I work in car insurance - definitely take the time to call around and get quotes. It’s a pain but right now most companies are raising rates due to the rising cost of repairs and parts, rising value of used cars, etc., along with trying to recover profit from the last couple of years (most companies held off on cancelling policies for non-payment because of the pandemic).


McFlare92 t1_j2473za wrote

We have a 2014 kia soul insured through Northern neck insurance and it's about $68/month. I'm 30M, my partner is 26F with good driving records. We have full coverage, a 500 dollar deductible, comprehensive, rental car coverage, etc. I don't remember the exact policy limits in dollar value but they are well above the minimum. I can give you the name of an insurance agent that works with them if you like


kmblake3 OP t1_j247dqs wrote

That would be awesome - especially since you guys are almost exactly the same demographic as us. My fiancé is 29 though and also has a good driving record. Thank you so much!


McFlare92 t1_j247sar wrote

We also insure our home through Northern neck and it's been seamless and easy. Donna is SUPER nice so just give her a call/message. The best part is she is a broker so she may even find you a better deal with someone else if northern neck doesn't work out. Won't cost you anything at all except a little time on the phone/email. If you don't get a hold of her she's very responsive to email and messages when she returns to office. She helped us a ton


kmblake3 OP t1_j249tm8 wrote

I will definitely reach out to her! I really appreciate the rec.


JeffRVA t1_j2494q4 wrote

Given the amount of variables (age, zip code, education levels, marital status, credit score, coverage limits, etc) that go into insurance pricing you're not going to get an accurate idea of cost this way. Your best bet is to do what a few others have said and take the time to call around to various companies and get quotes. Some companies offer a decent discount for paying in full for the year too if you're able to afford the full cost up front. I've done this for years and it's saved me a lot.


kmblake3 OP t1_j24a6ij wrote

Yep, that’s what I’m gathering. And I definitely will try to bite the bullet of dropping the full cost at once. I don’t love the idea of it, but it definitely makes sense cost wise.


WouldbeRVAtourguide t1_j24armc wrote

I used the Jery app and it has been good to shop rates my renters and car insurance are like 60 a month total


szeis4cookie t1_j24atka wrote

Find an independent broker. I used RVA Insurance Agency, and I'm with Erie. That said it's our first year with Erie still so I don't know what my renewal looks like yet...


kmblake3 OP t1_j24b29r wrote

I just texted my dad about it and he used Erie too. I’ll have to ask him more about how their renewal rates change, but I’m not sure which company his insurance is actually through.


BlueXTC t1_j24axjt wrote

Check with Erie. They have really good rates and I have been with them for 15 years. Ann Gleason at Pearce in Colonial Heights is my agent. I have multi car and home owners bundle for mine. My mum gets a discount as well even though hers is separate policy from mine.


kmblake3 OP t1_j24b971 wrote

Just found out my dad uses Erie too. He gave me another agent, but he speaks highly of her. I’ll definitely add them to my list to call.


poolsiderva t1_j250q11 wrote

Switched from Geico to Metromile since I'm not driving as much. Could be an option for you. Flat rate plus $.04 per mile.


upearlyRVA t1_j25ka28 wrote

Checked around earlier this year and there's been a statewide insurance cost increase.


Megh2984 t1_j26br0k wrote

Call Virginia Commonwealth Corporation and ask for Brad Souder 804-282-6723. He shops through 35 company’s for you so you don’t have to in order to find the best rates!