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brads-1 t1_j248dcu wrote

Call a local independent agent. Look for an annual policy, and pay it all at once, not monthly payments. Granted I'm older than you. married and live in the county, but I'm under $1200 a year for 2 cars, a 2021 SUV and a 2014 pickup. That's with full coverage, 500/500/500 and $500 deductible.


kmblake3 OP t1_j249kvm wrote

I’ve debated starting to pay all at once, just a steep sum of money to drop when I’m still at that in between of being a full adult vs adult in training lol. Getting married in 2023 though, how much does that typically help with rates??


brads-1 t1_j24bfm2 wrote

Been married 36 years, I honestly don't remember how much of a discount it was. I do save up for the insurance hit, put it on the credit card to get the points then pay the card off right away.


kmblake3 OP t1_j24c7mq wrote

Also a great idea that would definitely help with paying it up front. Didn’t even think of that so we at least get some cash back


89kmarie t1_j26o6bc wrote

We pay ours every 6 months. Got married in August, bill was due in October. When I went to pay, I updated our marital status and we received a $40 credit + it took $150 off of our 6 month rate (2 cars). I was really surprised that it would make such a big difference!

  • edit: we have Progressive

drkev10 t1_j24weos wrote

This is the best advice on here. Go through someone who's job it is to find you the best rates possible. It doesn't cost you anything and I'm pretty sure they only get paid if you get the product through them.