Submitted by TheCheeseDevil t3_zfxxxb in rva

What are y'all getting up to on this misty moisty morning? I'm doing battle with a health insurance company who keeps pretending to cancel my coverage but is still into sending me bills for increasing amounts of money. Happy Thursday!



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VCUBNFO t1_ize5rtm wrote

My parents house caught fire last night.

They’re all ok.

All their Christmas presents are gone though. Also ruins my sisters 18th birthday party in a couple days.

Hoping we can find them an Airbnb near my sisters school to get them through the holidays. Will be weird having Christmas in a strangers house.


manyamile t1_ize9kgb wrote

I’m so sorry to hear that. As a former DAT member for the Red Cross, I know this can be a long road to recovery and an emotional roller coaster. I’m glad you’ll be able to spend time together as a family though - regardless of the location.

Do they have immediate housing? A list of any current meds that need replacing? Toiletries or other basics needed to get through the next couple days? Can we help in any way?


VCUBNFO t1_ized6jd wrote

Thank you for the offer.

I have a vacation house a little over an hour away they are staying at until they can find someplace closer to work/school.

My mom already contacted their doctors regarding medication.

I think the hardest part so far is the emotional part for them.


Asterion7 t1_ize6cn2 wrote

Oh Shit. That is terrifying. Glad they are sage though.


Herculicia t1_ize46hj wrote

Working on adding stuff to The Weekend Event Thread! Lots of fun things going on this weekend, check it out!


manyamile t1_ize4eq9 wrote

Look at you being all helpful and shit by contributing to the subreddit. You’re awesome. 🏆


anomadichobo t1_ize9j9s wrote

Appreciate your work on these, have found some great events from your postings!


weasol12 t1_izedq5x wrote

Is that going to be pinned?


Herculicia t1_izee3xx wrote

Reddit only allows two threads to be pinned, and the mods have chosen the Daily and the Buy/Sell/Trade posts.


gravy_boot t1_izggsu8 wrote

Maybe they could do a pinned comment in the Fridaily linking to the event thread? Will be easy to forget though, Idk if automod can be set up to do that..

Edit/ or pin the event thread on Friday with a pinned comment to the Fridaily. The options seem limitless!


molluskich t1_ize3sbp wrote

Health insurance is a scam. I've been fighting with ours all year. Our plan, which we get through my husband's work and we don't get to choose, explicitly does not cover childhood developmental delays. Which is exactly what we're dealing with for baby Boaty. It's been a nightmare with all of these claims for doctors appointments and tests being denied and us owing thousands of dollars.


manyamile t1_ize40z2 wrote

☹️ I’ve got nothing but sympathy for you and Boaty. Our medical system is so broken.


molluskich t1_izebbec wrote

Thanks, I'm with you. I wish there was more I could do besides express my disgust with health insurance companies.


[deleted] t1_izi2lvu wrote

Vote for people advocating for Universal Healthcare.


existential_rainbow t1_izegp0v wrote

If your child has a disability then they could qualify for medicaid even if your family doesn't qualify due to income requirements. Check out It's called the CCCplus waiver. Good luck!


molluskich t1_izeho8r wrote

Thank you! Yes I recently learned about this. You'd think early intervention would have told us a year ago when we got set up with them but no. I applied for Medicaid for her about three weeks ago. Do you happen to know how long it might take to get the application processed? Or a phone number I could call to actually speak to a person about the status?


existential_rainbow t1_izejuzj wrote



molluskich t1_izejz7i wrote

I've tried that number but I can't get anyone on the phone. Their phone trees don't make sense to me. But I'll try again. Thanks!


Vajama77 t1_izetonm wrote

A complete and total scam. I'm so sorry.


[deleted] t1_izi2j06 wrote

Our Healthcare system is such shit. How can we seriously be the only country without Universal Healthcare. It makes no sense. Do not come at me. This country is a joke,this is inexcusable. Its a big reason why everyone else thinks we're horrible.


schmoopie76 t1_ize3w8i wrote

Must write thank you notes today. As an adult thank you notes stress me. I am bad about writing them but LOVE getting them. I feel like I suck at it but really want it to be memorable and express my gratitude. So yup Adulting.


[deleted] t1_izi2b6t wrote

I just dont do it. My mom made us as kids but I suck so much at them all I can say is thank you repeatedly. I cant write for shit. Now you know why I havent gone to college. Its all writing. Last yr at school,I was made to write endless papers. It was the most stressful thing ever.


what-the-what24 t1_ize31qu wrote

Driving to Northern Virginia for a large work meeting. Not looking forward to the drive or the meeting. I keep reminding myself that I’m going to see my team (some of whom I’ve never met in person because they were hired during the pandemic) and that I can tolerate all of the large meeting nonsense and large group small talk for their sake.


DowninDowntown t1_ize3se9 wrote

I have some good podcasts to recommend! Helps with the mind numbing drive/traffic


TheCheeseDevil OP t1_ize53zc wrote

Hit us with them. On my long roadtrips I like to listen to Last Podcast on the Left (not everyone's cup of tea) and DND play podcasts (Dungeons & Daddies is my favorite, but they do play fast and loose with the rules of DND).


GaimanitePkat t1_izf6po2 wrote

>On my long roadtrips I like to listen to Last Podcast on the Left (not everyone's cup of tea)

Listening to the Children of God series on my way up to decorate the tree with family has become a tradition for me, ever since my husband pointed out it's one of the worst ones to listen to before a family gathering.


Optimiasma t1_ize9aef wrote

I'm not a big Hollywood/film industry person but I really enjoy Naked Lunch.


skeevy-stevie t1_ize4l1h wrote

I saw four cops between Ashland and Fredericksburg…


WhyNotBuild t1_ize6f9w wrote

Thanks for the heads up. Things always seem to ramp up during the holidays so it’s good to keep extra caution out on the roads.


GrayRVA t1_ize55zp wrote

If you’ve ever wondered what it takes for a to period piece to break into Netflix’s Top 10, it’s sex. Lots and lots of sex plus a nekkid man running through the rain with a flapping penis.

Lady Chatterly’s Lover was a censored book when it came out. While the scandalous tale might not be banned anymore, it’s still not a movie to watch with your parents.


ActuallyAMenace t1_izemc2b wrote

I want to watch the flapping just for giggles


GrayRVA t1_izf11gr wrote

I screenshotted it because I was like “Wait, this is epic. They did equal coverage of the parts on display?!?”


Optimiasma t1_ize9cf2 wrote

But is it good? Rating?


GrayRVA t1_izf03ds wrote

I really liked it. Reading the reviews afterwards, I’m in good company because 94% of Google reviewers liked it too.


Nothing2SeeHere4U t1_ize5490 wrote

Took my dog out for his morning walk and forgot my keys. Locked out of my apartment until the apartment offices open at nine 🤦‍♀️

Tried to get coffee using digital payment on my phone but my card wouldn't work. Thank you to the barista who comped my drink, it's the only thing I've got going for me this morning 😩


Vajama77 t1_izet77q wrote

I still can feel that terrifying horribleness when you realize you've locked yourself out. I've done it several times at home and with my car and it sucks - my sympathies.


[deleted] t1_izi1z7w wrote

You think thats bad I was locked out 2 hrs one day before my dumb ass realized my keys were in my pants pocket. I went in and had to warm up in a bath.


Moondinos t1_ize61me wrote

About to work an open to close double behind the bar when I closed last night. I'm exhausted😅


fluufhead t1_izeb5qg wrote

Goodness I would not be awake right now! Hope you stay hydrated, well-fed and that you have Friday off.


Moondinos t1_ized7t0 wrote

Lol I don't want to be awake, but I'll make sure to stay hydrated and fed especially since I close again tomorrow


FalloutRip t1_izedigy wrote

Dunno how many hardcore baseball/ squirrels fans we have in here, but some bad news coming out of the MLB Rule 5 draft last night. A total of 9 Squirrels players were picked up by other teams in the league last night, which is a huge blow after the season they had last year. Happy for the guys that they now get a bigger opportunity to play in the big leagues, but I'm worried what it means for the team's performance in the next few years. Keeping the team performing reasonably well is pretty key to keeping support for the diamond district and new ballpark going.


manyamile t1_ize3p9h wrote

I made Not Quite The Worst Blueberry Muffins In The World this morning. The texture is good and I nailed the amount of sour cream to hit the level of tartness I wanted in the batter but I should have used wild blueberries for better flavor and maybe more baking powder for a better rise. They look sad and lifeless on the plate.

I also learned this morning that an artist whose work I’ve admired for years passed away in September so I’m feeling a little sad about that. I’ll probably pull out my small collection of her work this morning with a cup of tea and be nostalgic about her largely unknown influence on people like Lucas, Spielberg, and the many artists who followed her in the comics industry.


atctia t1_izes7on wrote

I recently made lemon blueberry muffins and now my baby sis has been demanding i make more because she loved them so much


TheCheeseDevil OP t1_ize59a1 wrote

I just had the same experience with trying to make my first pumpkin roll. The taste was there, the whole thing was delicious, but it just wasn't.. springy enough. Kinda dense. I'm not sure what I need to do to get a bouncier bake


Stitchmond t1_izficis wrote

When I left my job I applied for insurance at I'm now on Medicaid, and it's better coverage than I got when I was working and paying for my insurance. Like how the fuck does that make any sense?


ViralSpiralz t1_izeapmn wrote

I woke up early today to head over to my mom's house. Her cat Chica was on her last leg yesterday, so we were going to have her put down this morning. She passed about 4am. So while I'm glad she didn't have to suffer the fear of going to a vet, I am very sorry I didn't get to pet her one more time.


stickynohte t1_izece62 wrote

Oof, went through this with my mom’s cat a few months ago. I have major regrets about avoiding petting her because she was an oddball and skiddish. So sorry for your family’s loss of Chica!


catmmy50 t1_izf3rjm wrote

My kitty passed away last Friday. So sad. Sympathy all around.


ActuallyAMenace t1_izelzyo wrote

Tried scheduling a rheumatologist appointment after a recent lab test and the soonest they could see me was May :)


Vajama77 t1_izeserh wrote

Healthcare in the US is a joke. it doesn't matter if you have insurance or not you can't find a doctor and if you can find a doctor you have to wait 6 months to see the doctor. what's the other option? going to the emergency room?


ActuallyAMenace t1_izf0gjw wrote

Basically. My primary care doc is already based out of internal medicine, my labs just moved up the weirdness chart


The_UnknownTA t1_ize4x32 wrote

Lights out a little past Altria (can't remember the street name but it's Leigh Str & ____). Anyways, treat it like a four way stop and be careful.


Wa_wa_ouija t1_izecs88 wrote

I feel like April Ludgate from P&R when she planned all of the dumb meetings to happen on March 31st, because she thought it didn't exist.

Well, that's me. I have too much to do today to even attempt it lol. Going out to Waynesboro and will be fly fishing the South River. Then I need to be back home to clean and prep my house for a guest this weekend AND then it looks like Silversun Pickups with my buddy at the National. deep breath


docskreba t1_izepvvm wrote

I get a small pension for being retired military, but the real benefit is the free health insurance. So grateful for that these days.

On that note, going to get my COVID booster and flu shot here in about 30 minutes. I want ALL the microchips!


Vajama77 t1_izes5yp wrote

I got both at the same time. Didn't feel so good for 3 days. Hope you fare better.


docskreba t1_izeulxp wrote

Yeah I’ve been putting it off because it kicked my ass last time, but I’m going to NYC for Christmas so I needed to get it done.


jodyhighrola t1_izejo9m wrote

Anyone else getting cryptic DMs from someone on here? Someone thinks I'm part of some conspiracy to develop Richmond LMAO.


TheCheeseDevil OP t1_izel8ji wrote

I'm lowkey kinda jealous


jodyhighrola t1_izextqg wrote

I don't want to out them, because the messages are very entertaining. Since they're low key stalking me and likely reading this... Keep em coming.

If anyone wants to join my capitalist cult, holla.


suarezi93 t1_ize2mk4 wrote

Not often I get to work without a daily posted. Thanks for picking it up! I need to not forget to browse the marketplace for a new plan… and pay some bills tomorrow when I get paid. Adulting :’)


fluufhead t1_ize9vti wrote

Do y'all use any kind of special potting soil for your houseplants? This monstera is sprouting roots above the soil so I think it needs a bigger pot to call home.


TheCheeseDevil OP t1_izebhdv wrote

I try to mix together different consistencies. I picked up this fancy ass organic soil when I repotted my monstera but it's too dense, so I mixed it half and half with cactus style soil to drain better. It's lookin for something to grab onto though probably, monsteras are a climbing plant


sikkimensis t1_izfanb2 wrote

Coast of Maine Bar Harbor mix is really nice. Doesn't hold too much water and has actual compost in it, not just coco coir and peat like some other mixes.

Most of the local nurseries carry it in a few different sized bags.


JrWhopper09 t1_izedozt wrote

Gonna go pee in a cup for my new job on Monday.


BlueXTC t1_izefafx wrote

I had the pleasure of eating a NYC bagel from H&H bagels special delivery from my mum as she returned last night from her romp around NYC. Eataly, Rockettes and a room with the view of the Empire State building in all its lit glory. Now to figure out how many to freeze and how many to consume asap. (I think I need more cream cheese and some good lox).


Asterion7 t1_ize6gef wrote

Had to do school drop off twice as my youngest left his backpack at home.

I think I am gonna try and go for a bike ride since the sun is actually out.


stickynohte t1_izec4f3 wrote

Gonna take a stroll to grab a coffee in a bit, kinda in the mood for a more indulgent drink than my regular iced coffee.

Getting my booster this afternoon - I must’ve missed a round of boosters at some point because I’ve only gotten the one, last December. Whole family has had covid recently so just doing my part to protect The Grandparents in a few weeks. Anyway, I don’t handle needles well so I’ll be a full grown adult borderline in tears. Can’t wait!


[deleted] t1_izi1rmk wrote

I need my booster but I just have been busy and forgot. It'll be my luck if I get The Rona because everyone else here is allergic to personal space


stickynohte t1_iziiko0 wrote

I got mine at Target- lots of availability and it took only 5 minutes! Plus I’m always there anyway so it forced me to stop putting it off. Downside: then I shopped.


[deleted] t1_izir086 wrote

Thanks. I need to.NOT SPEND MONEY. But I need to look at glasses there.


GayusFlaminus t1_izecxa4 wrote

Loving the weather this morning.

Thinking of getting back into rock climbing, is Triangle Rock Club worth it?


ActuallyAMenace t1_izemj0f wrote

Following! I loved indoor climbing as a teen but moved away from a regular set up. Would love to get back into it


GayusFlaminus t1_izkjsem wrote

DM me if you ever want to climb! i was doing 5.10+/v4&5 when i lived in CO but that was 20lbs ago lol


ActuallyAMenace t1_izlgj1y wrote

I haven’t done it in so long that I have no idea what that means


rdt69420 t1_izexlcb wrote

How long are we supposed to wait before making a shitpost about finding a snake?


AlreadyShrugging t1_izf2wbo wrote

Has anyone else ever wanted to rent a wood chipper for an afternoon purely for cathartic stress release? Feed it scrap wood and bask in the whirrrrrrrrrr?


ChuckBS t1_ize2plg wrote

Getting some stuff done before I go up to see my family in NY. The’ve got the extra time, so it seems reasonable to spend a few days up there.


PuffyMcScrote t1_izecqvw wrote

Spinning up Intune and co-management for my company and hoping I don't bork the entire thing up


MobileTough t1_izeek9a wrote

Happy to hear that Brittney Griner is released ✊

I’m figuring out health insurance for the first time! I’m deciding between the work offered HRA and HSA.

I know the benefits of each and it seems like the HSA is the obvious option, but it’s like at least a 1/10th out of my paycheck and I’m just not sure if I can afford it currently, but I’m also not sure if I’m just throwing the money I “saved” in an HRA away by not keeping it with an HSA and me being young and relatively healthy..

Then I’m like well I just need more money! and then I get distracted and think about what I’m doing with my life and that’s just a whole other thing, and I still haven’t decided on health insurance.


sweetTtawney t1_izeg4id wrote

I was very happy about Britney Griner as well! 💕


___zero__cool___ t1_izeno3n wrote

I’m happy that a US citizen is no longer being held in the Russian prison system. That said, we traded a Russian arms dealer for her, and we got her out before negotiating a release for retired U.S. Marine Paul Whelan, who has been imprisoned in Russia for FOUR YEARS. I’m disappointed in our priorities here.

Edit - After reading a bit more, Russia initiated the negotiations and it was only going to be a one to one swap of Brittney for Viktor Bout.

> The ambassador said he believed the Russians "had in mind a particular deal in this case, because Brittney Griner is such a celebrity, so popular in the United States — popular, I might add, among basketball fans and others in Russia. Brittney's case really dominated the discussion and the focus."

So the basic timeline here is that Brittney Griner had a contract to play basketball in Russia, Russia invaded Ukraine, the entire world sanctioned Russia, Brittney chose to travel to a sanctioned country (one well known for imprisoning US citizens) to play basketball, Brittney was imprisoned for a vape pen she forgot in her luggage, and finally Brittney was traded for an arms dealer with the nickname “The Merchant of Death” at a time when Russia is running out of arms so badly they’re trading with North Korea for munitions.

If it wasn’t the vape pen it would have been something else. Russia has wanted Viktor Bout back since he was arrested a decade ago. Once again, I’m extremely happy she’s no longer imprisoned in Russia, but she made a decision to go to Russia when almost any other rational person wouldn’t, and that decision directly led to her being used as leverage against the US Government.

I guess I get the feeling that she’s going to get the whole welcome home publicity circuit deal that Jessica Lynch got back in 2003, but I personally think she needs to just fade into obscurity and live her life. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what kind of attitude she has about all this, it’s not fair of me to judge her before she’s even finished debriefing with secret squirrel.


TheCheeseDevil OP t1_izf65r7 wrote

I also have mixed feelings about this, but retired might be too casual of a way to describe Whelan's bad-conduct discharge.


___zero__cool___ t1_izfl02e wrote

I was repeating the same wording used in the article I had been reading. It was a total mischaracterization of Whelan’s service record and discharge type. Thanks for correcting me on that.

Also homie would have had to really steal some shit to get booted out in 2008. That was when I was in, in the middle of the Iraq troop surge, then a year and a half later shit in Marjah popped off hard. They were waiving wild tats, prior convictions, all sorts of stuff that would get you laughed out of a recruiters office now.


Jon_hamm_wallet t1_izeffmx wrote

I need to get some goddamn photos printed ASAP and the options in this city are severely lacking. Target has apparently done away with their photo printing machines and Walgreens couldn't connect to my phone. What are my options?!


donteatmydog t1_izf2znd wrote

Had a lot of meetings because we're finally hiring a new employee for my team (which has officially put me into the 'lead/manager' role). Also overly caffeinated.

Thinking about getting the annual membership to Lewis Ginter - seems like the thing to do if you're going to go as a family more than few times during the year.


TheCheeseDevil OP t1_izf5sq9 wrote

I keep toying with getting one, it's such a nice way to spend the day. The only thing I miss about living in Norfolk is their botanical garden though, theirs was a bit bigger/more established feeling.


Clean-Independent129 t1_izfjxfi wrote

Do it. It gives you no excuse when you want to go do something fun and beautiful at any time of the year. Also, u/TheCheeseDevil it gives you free reciprocal admission to the Norfolk Botanical Garden as part of the membership. On Sundays, dogs are welcome at NBG.

Also, discount on the gift shop, 2 free guest passes/year, members-only nights for the light thingy.


Ms-Pamplemousse t1_izg0r0x wrote

Today I'm thankful for the Buy/Sell/Trade thread for giving folks a place to sell their [insert band i've never heard of] tickets instead of creating bunches of posts every week about it.


Monkeyexp7 t1_izguta2 wrote

Sipping whiskey trying to recover from the worst birthday of my life. Got in a fight with my girlfriend, she wont talk to me. Almost got arrested. Looking for some solace at the bottom of this bottle that I know I wont find.


Supaspex t1_izhd92s wrote

If you fly Breeze, FUCK YOU.


[deleted] t1_izi1itl wrote

Bummed about my snake lol.

Having to pay the bills,laundry and tackle Christmas stuff. Kinda wanting a drink lol.