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mmbenney t1_j299rot wrote

Poor guy. Just wanted to have a nice weekend.


wagonboss t1_j29gz68 wrote

I always feel bad when we run these. These people are states away from home, and most of the time what happened isn’t even their fault. Someone cut them off or something childish. Horrible day for those people


toastmaster45 t1_j29h3fp wrote

Shame people don't pay attention to their own wide turn stickers


BackWithAVengance t1_j29isix wrote

Well, I can almost guarantee you there werent stabalizer bars on that or the truck probably would have gone w/ it. Unfortunate, yes, but as a camper myself, people getting on the road with these things need to take the necessary precautions and have the proper equipment as well.

Probably got a little loose and couldnt recover it.

FYI if this happens to you people, and you have a brake controller - manually engage the trailer brakes on the controller (not your brake pedal) - this will cause the truck and trailer to pull apart and straighten out. You can do the same by hitting the gas , but me personally would rather be trying to stop than speed up if there was shenanigans afoot.


thoselongsleeves t1_j29onre wrote

just got out of the traffic behind that mess.

it didn't look like anyone was hurt.


readthistoyourmomma t1_j29p1z5 wrote

Saw a dude pulling one up 95 toward Richmond in the dark with no working lights on Monday.


BackWithAVengance t1_j29zkop wrote

Ya genius, if you start to feel it swaying, not lock em up - you can drag them just like your car brakes. Also if you're doing 70 mph you're in for a bad time. If you're jack knifed, you're way late to the "slow down before you crash" party


ryang1357 t1_j2dmaoq wrote

I saw this happen yesterday on my way out of Richmond. Didn’t see who could’ve been at fault though, I was headed the other direction.

It always surprises me how quiet car accidents are. I only heard a very light crunch, next thing I know a trailer is capsized. Glad everyone’s okay.