Submitted by Skatejay t3_10n5e0o in rva

Now let me just say I think pedestrians have a responsibility to keep their safety in mind and use crosswalks. I yield to cars but this situation was just ridiculous. Has anyone else experienced this here, I know my friends have and I’m always hearing about hit and runs.

The other night I was picking up pizza at midnight and the roads were pretty much empty. I got out of my car to walk a back with my pizza but dropped my receipt on the ground. It was raining and empty I walked to grab it. I saw car turn a corner but they were pretty far. I was already in street before they came on the road when started speeding blinking their lights at me. I waved to show I was picking something up assuming they’d slow down seeing I had stuff in my hand etc. instead they starting beeping and basically almost ran me over on a completely empty street. They were not gunna stop. I notice this happens to a lot people here. People are literally okay with almost killing you and for what ? To go to next bar the fastest smh



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borsenji t1_j6784xf wrote

I almost got hit by a car the other day after my bag fell out of my car and spilled onto the pavement 🥲 I had just parked and the other lane was open and it was very clear I was trying to gather my things and a truck sped towards me while honking and didn't even slow down or change lanes


princessofbeasts t1_j680kfh wrote

I’m so sorry that happened to you and I’m glad you’re ok. It’s infuriating to say the least. Nothing is going to change unless traffic laws are heavily enforced, and people face heavy consequences for dangerous/irresponsible driving.

Too many people seem to not understand that driving a death machine is a huge privilege/responsibility.

But then there’s the fact that cops aren’t interested in bettering our world in any way so it feels pretty fucked. Sorry to be so pessimistic, but I feel overwhelmed by the state of the world lately.


coffeedoodle t1_j684vyb wrote

I saw a guy walking his dog at parham and broad. He was almost done crossing the road and this car turning onto parham absolutely lost their shit on him for being there.


robs_kabobs t1_j68fmbk wrote

A few weeks back some girl nearly hit me and my dog because her phone was more important than checking the crosswalk before she turned. Literally her phone in her right hand while she was turning.


Skatejay OP t1_j68iinp wrote

I saw guy cussing a driver out on cross walk while his walk his dog because the driver almost hit him. I yelled back like exactly they need drive safer! It’s so ridiculous. So good hear people who care. I always stop for people and wait until there completely done walking to proceed.


Jdub1985 t1_j68nqtw wrote

Got hit by a car when trying to walk from the bottom to brown's island during the Folk Festival. Luckily driver had just turned at a light from being at a stop so I didn't get hit hard or hurt. He just rolled his window down and asked "you good?" I responded something like "um.. i mean.. yea??" I was pretty startled. He just took off after that.

Almost got hit driving like 2 times the other day on the same drive.

Everyone is in such a hurry they don't pay attention to safety.


37BrokenMicrowaves t1_j68oy1y wrote

I was walking one morning, the light for traffic turns red, and a pickup barrels through it. I wait another second, the cross sign comes on, I step into the crosswalk, and a work van runs it too. While I’m in the crosswalk. Several seconds after it had changed.

So I called the company name on the truck and reported his ass. If the cops won’t stop people from doing this, maybe that guy’s boss will. Company was Green Air.


Awkward-Kale-2898 t1_j68pzdn wrote

Red light runners are CRAZY here. My fiancé is from Houston and has lived all over the country. He’s always saying he’s never seen people run red lights like they do in RVA. At first, I was like, he’s just talking smack but I really started paying attention and the number of people running red lights is ASTONISHING. I can go out and run errands and I’m guaranteed to see at least two red light runners while I’m out. Stay safe!!


Rexa_1920 t1_j69biaz wrote

I swear Richmond is the most aggressively anti-pedestrian city I’ve ever been to


hellogirlsandgays t1_j6da8ro wrote

this happened to me yesterday. i dropped my water bottle cap on the street and was gonna begrudgingly leave it (it was a plastic bottle) bc i didnt want to get run over, but miraculously it landed on its back, and the car driving past didnt run it over, so i quickly went to grab it since the next car was a significant distance away. i was very clearly darting out into the road (though not very far) and they were close enough to see me so you’d think they’d slow down just in case since no one was behind them right? wrong. if i had been maybe 2 seconds slower they would have ran directly into me.


Skatejay OP t1_j6diop8 wrote

I Hope one these drivers read these stories and think let me be kinder. I’m from Virginia Beach and it just seems like everyone here is just so entitled specifically on the road. I will admit however I did almost run someone off the road one morning cuz the sun was blinding my vision lol. I turn off that road to one with less sunshine. I felt so bad. I usually wave a friendly hand to let other know thank you or sorry.


No_Improvement9110 t1_j6f95jz wrote

Entitled is absolutely the word. And egotistical. Can't tell you how often I see crashes here, and it's obvious one party could have avoided it but were clearly committed to being "right" rather than being safe. The entire city values self-righteousness over actual morality, this is just one way it manifests.


Skatejay OP t1_j6fduyp wrote

A semi truck ran a light and luckily I hesitated before going when the light turn green. If would have went admittedly the truck would crashed right into my driver side. At that moment I knew angel was watching me 🫡