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halfghan24 t1_j4na5ri wrote

So it’s been a few years since I worked there, but when I worked there the policy at 2Go was that you made a certain wage, and tips would be applied to your pay until you hit $10.00/hour at which point you wouldn’t receive any more tip money on top of that. I can’t speak to what servers or anyone like that made but having worked between the cafe and 2Go it def felt like people were getting ripped off


Horror-Fisherman-575 t1_j4new2u wrote

That’s crazy. F that place.


revel911 t1_j4r01su wrote

If that’s the policy going in, then how is it their fault if they are transparent?


1one1000two1thousand t1_j4tm95p wrote

It’s misleading to CONSUMERS, when a customer leaves a tip, they’re expecting that the tip goes to the workers, not the owners/investors’ bottom line.


rachelenfleurs t1_j4pefrj wrote

I have known a few people who worked there over the past couple of years and this matches what they’ve said. Apparently the rest was supposed to go towards things for staff like meals and things but that doesn’t show.


halfghan24 t1_j4q1ids wrote

Literally the only person who bought food for staff when I worked there was a 17 year old kid who fuckin rocked


1one1000two1thousand t1_j4tlxwc wrote

That scheme sounds exactly the way DoorDash was withholding full tips from their drivers and boosting their own bottom lines. DC did successfully sue them for it. Wow, if Shyndigz is still doing that, it is so wrong.

> settlement with DoorDash, Inc., a food delivery service, requiring it to pay $2.5 million to resolve allegations that it misled D.C. consumers and used tips left for workers to boost the company’s bottom line. …

> the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) alleged that from 2017 until 2019, DoorDash misled consumers to believe that their tips would increase worker pay, when, in fact, tips were used to subsidize DoorDash’s payments to its workers.

(Emphasis is mine)