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Charadrius t1_j4nifj4 wrote

The wetlands! Part of the JRPS, in Richmond city, has views of the water, the wetlands, and is very flat. It has boardwalks, gravel trails, and natural surface trails. It also connects up to pony pasture and hugeunot flatwater relatively easily! I’ve been going for years to get some solidarity, bird watch, and to look for snakes and small critters. I’m always shocked how uncrowded my favorite park in the city is. I will say, It is rather confusing calling a park “the wetlands”, but here we are. I’d also recommend going to the JRPS website and looking at their maps, The city is full trails, mostly running parallel to the river. Unless I’m going to the mountains or the beach, I’d argue that the nature views right in Richmond city can’t be beat.