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FromTheIsle t1_j2up232 wrote

Anytime I see a cop driving behind me and then realize its only RPD I relax....they never pull anyone over for traffic. It's wild.

I'm also a cyclist and I totally relate. Had some dickhead 2 days ago in a beater driving like he's on a Nascar track try to pass me while I was in a turning lane literally turning left at the intersection...he thought he could squeeze through on my left side. This shit happens all the time.


callthewambulance t1_j2zrktv wrote

I've been pulled over twice by RPD lol. First time was at Cary and Nansmond, some idiot nearly ran into me when I was leaving Kroger going north on Nansmond across Cary because of the shift there.

Cop does a u-turn in the middle of Cary and pulls me over. I proceed to tell him I did nothing wrong and explained the situation of what happened. So he goes back to his car and sits there for at least 20 minutes with his lights on (I had gone to Kroger to get medicine at 8pm on a Friday night because I had a suspected stomach ulcer and was in CRAZY pain, so I just had to sit there and suffer). After 20 minutes 2 other squad cars pull up and one of the other officers told me I could go, because that dickwad cop couldn't tell me himself he was wrong.

Other time was on Monument west of 195. Was going 48 because I was almost to Willow Lawn and thought it had already changed to 45, but it was still 35 in the city, around Westmoreland I think. I explained it was an honest mistake to the officer but he wrote me a ticket anyway.

RPD can eat my ass.