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Ravenwater t1_j616356 wrote

I see it from the downtown express way every so often and it always makes me smile. I love that it's still there and intact.


skulloctopus2023 t1_j618nzc wrote

Has it really been 3 years already? Where has the time gone?


frecklestwin t1_j61q8k3 wrote

I see it every day on my way to work on the downtown expressway. It’s special every time.


WakeNikis t1_j61qz3n wrote

I wish someone would take it down. Aren’t there enough basketball players who didn’t rape 19 year olds that we can idolize?


jdbug100 t1_j62167t wrote

One of those “I remember right when I heard” moments. Surreal


Icee1017 t1_j63trtv wrote

This was the moment we switched over to the darkest timeline. COVID shortly followed


mac_attack92 t1_j63zpej wrote

Great piece of art, glad it is still up


joshlamm t1_j644wbt wrote

Surely there's some other things that can be done up as a mural that are actually relavent to Richmond and less rapey. I'd like to commission a mural of one of Black Sheep's Battleships. RIP


progressiveinva69 t1_j64c494 wrote

Next lets paint a giant mural to honor Ben Roethlisburger and Deshaun Watson.


10000Didgeridoos t1_j64hzbw wrote

Kobe is a rapist. Deal with it. Accept it. Just because he was great at basketball and inspired people to play basketball doesn't change the fact that he raped a woman in a hotel room.

"Moral police" is like people getting mad that someone littered one time.

He on the other hand violently choked and raped a woman.

What part of that do you mindless Kobe stans not understand? Why do you support turning a rapist into an idol because he died early in a helicopter crash?

Should we build the Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Cosby Center for Women next?

Same shit. You cannot handle that your favorite basketball player committed a violent felony. It's your problem, not ours.


10000Didgeridoos t1_j64is1q wrote

Because some dumb yee yee ass people think being good at basketball and becoming a father and being killed early in an accident makes up for him raping and choking a woman earlier in life, because they are delusional apologist idiots.

Might as well throw up a Harvey Weinstein memorial when he dies while we're at it. Hey, he financed films people like so we should just excuse and forget his raping.

Rape isn't something one grows and learns from any more than killing someone is. But HURRR Kobe ball good bro so it's all good! Worship him!

It blows my mind that people think getting married and having kids somehow makes up for raping someone before that. He might have been good to them but it's irrelevant. He still raped someone. That isn't a mistake. It's a violent crime he never did any time for and never apologized for. He just paid her off to make her go away.


10000Didgeridoos t1_j64jl88 wrote

No dumbass. Some of us just don't want a memorial to a rapist gracing a park in our town.

I do not give a single fuck what my reddit karma score is and I never check messages or go back to old comments I made to reply. I drop my take and leave. Which I'll do again here because Kobe stans can't handle reality: Kobe raped and choked a woman.

Run from it all you want. It's what he did and he got away with it. Same shit with Ben Roethlisberger.

Please explain in detail why you think society should just pretend Kobe didn't commit a violent felony and should worship his memory because he died in a helicopter crash. It says more about you than it does about us. You want us to admire a rapist. Nah, hard pass. He was a rapist piece of shit before he got married and having a wife and kids later doesn't erase his raping.

Kobe Bryant. Rapist. deal with it. He wasn't Nelson fucking Mandela.


No_Mans_Skybox t1_j64mvrm wrote

Ahh but I didn't suggest that and you know it - all I did was point out that you're blatantly virtue signaling to make yourself feel elevated above others. Of course Kobe was a rapist, that's a no-brainer, and if it were up to me, no, there wouldn't be a memorial for him, but that doesn't change the fact that all you're doing is stroking yourself. Best of luck coping when you find an artist or musician you like turns out to be an abuser or predator.


progressiveinva69 t1_j64qdl6 wrote

I have eliminated many of my favorite artists and bands due to people being shitty. Queens of the stone age (Great band, lead singer is a POS, wont support or listen), Kanye (Same), Louis CK (Dumped him too). I can go on....


ItsAreBetterThanNips t1_j64qono wrote

What you're saying isn't wrong. Everything about your opinion is correct. There's nothing bad or unpopular about saying that rape and rapists are bad. It's a pretty common conclusion. But if you find that your common opinion is making you unpopular, it's probably not your opinion that is the problem. It's how you are trying to make your point. It's possible to be right and also be annoying about it. Making one comment on a post and expressing your opinion, which I agree with, is a noble and correct thing to do. Stopping at every comment on the way and accusing each person you come across of being morally inferior is just being a dick.


No_Mans_Skybox t1_j64r0yd wrote

I'm glad you have that going for you at least. At any rate this sort of grandstanding often comes off like it's more about yourself than the cause you're promoting. I got no love for Kobe and I appreciate where you're coming from if it's genuine but there are far too many folks using this sort of thing as a soapbox for their ego for me not to be suspicious.


progressiveinva69 t1_j64rx6g wrote

I am a little bit of a troll. But by no means am I in the wrong. I genuinely help people on reddit. I am happy to give genuine advice on food, culture and mental health. I just enjoy giving shit to people who deserve it or support the behavior that deserves scorn. Or pointing out that all cops are evil or that you can not overdose on weed, lol.


Urkle_sperm t1_j64vd3w wrote

But he was really good at bouncing a ball around and putting it through a net, therefore he deserves your unquestioning adoration and tens of millions of dollars.

....I hate our culture of celebrity and athlete worship so fucking much.