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Elohym__ t1_j66um0z wrote

I live on Fairmount in Church Hill. It isn't the best area but I also wouldn't describe it as bad. I've seen one drugged out lady throwing herself into carhoods at 6am but I'll take that over some creep jacking off looking into windows.

The grocery store is convenient but incredibly overpriced and do not buy any produce from there as it is regularly bad. People are going to blast shitty music with wall cracking bass at 6am when they get up for work. Neighbors are generally nice and great people. Almost everyone litters and it's really shitty. You'll hear gunshots every night but with a new house and good insulation you'll hardly hear a thing.

I like the neighborhood overall but people at work tell me I live in the hood.

As reference I bought 2 years ago new build, zero regrets. Central to everything I want/need and generally good people that I want to be around. I have had very few encounters I would consider negative despite what I've listed.


Chickenmoons t1_j688oo6 wrote

In general the people telling you that you live in the hood usually have almost no idea what they’re talking about. Everyone who lives in the burbs and watched local news is under the impression everything not on Broad or in the Church Hill historic district is open air drug markets and running gang battles 24/7.

That said, stay away from the Facebook groups for Church Hill, just incredibly toxic. Also lock your shit up if it’s on your porch otherwise don’t expect it to still be there.


Elohym__ t1_j68doyi wrote

It's literally only my black coworkers that live right by me that call it to hood to me, the ones from the burbs are super careful and try to not be offensive but you can def see the fear in their faces. One middle aged white dude wouldn't stay in Richmond past 5pm like it was a sundown town.

I've gotten lucky and only had one thing snatched from the porch in 2 years. It helps to have a gate in the front yard or some type of additional barrier people have to cross. But def buy a package dropoff box. If I'm buying really expensive things I get them shipped to my work.


Chickenmoons t1_j6a11ia wrote

Is the implication here that black people don’t live in the suburbs or something? Unless people frequent the neighborhood now and in the recent past I’m not sure why you’d listen to folks take on what the neighborhood is like.