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manyamile t1_j6omwou wrote

This is the second dumbest thing I've seen on the internet today.

But to add some relevance to OP's post...I don't know anyone that hunts with dogs that would take this pooch.

He's unproven as a hunter and given the issues, won't be worth the time to train when there are plenty of other beagle/hound litters from proven lines of trackers to draw from.


TheCheeseDevil t1_j6ooskr wrote

my neighbor growing up bred them in large amounts and euthanized the hounds that didn't work out. there are a lot of assholes that live in isolated areas to avoid scrutiny.


manyamile t1_j6opemb wrote

There are indeed a lot of assholes. Assholes everywhere.


TheCheeseDevil t1_j6ou5h3 wrote

Yep. If you ever want to really depress yourself, look up rescues for galgo and podenco dogs... abandoning or killing hunting dogs in the off season is a way of life in some places.


manyamile t1_j6oy2ka wrote

I'm aware that it occurs. I worked in the animal health field for 12 years where I traveled between shelters and veterinary teaching hospitals to help develop relationships between the two groups and assist with the writing of behavior assessment protocols and curricula with help from groups like AVSAB, HSUS, the SPCA, the APDT.

I'm in no way denying the killing of hunting dogs occurs. I'm suggesting that the person I initially responded to has a heavy bias against hunting in general, probably doesn't know a single hunter and the care that many (not all) put into their dogs, and is painting with a stupidly broad brush - and that OP's pooch would be a poor candidate for a hunter to adopt to begin with so their argument against giving the dog to a hunter to begin with is moot.