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baddiebarbietingzz t1_j694256 wrote

ur worried about kids being exposed to “groomers” but ur standing outside a kid’s museum with an explicit sign,,, interesting logic!


mosaic_hops t1_j6az74u wrote

They don’t do logic, unfortunately. I hope they get the help they need.


No-Guide7040 t1_j69kjfz wrote

Nothing screams idiot quite as much as standing around a children's museum with a sign that says f*** on it.


ilikeanimeandcats t1_j6at3h3 wrote

It’s cool to have FUCK big on a sign wearing your Porn N Biscuits shirt until you’re ready to get to your truck with the truck nuts but I’ll be DAMNED if my kid sees someone in drag! 😡😡😡

/s I would hope it’s obvious but these days you don’t know


TGIIR t1_j69qjhh wrote

He must be so proud of himself. Edit to add /s


FlexRVA21984 t1_j6abux9 wrote

Undoubtedly! Have you ever actually talked to these cultists? They almost always have a raging superiority complex, which is hilarious when you consider the brain dead shit that they try to pass off as fact.


hiddenrealism t1_j6c2ki3 wrote

It's hilarious all they talk about Is the "easily offended snowflakes" yet they get red in the face mad and want to fight if you insult their Orange faced king.

"Hey dude trump is an orange man baby"

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!? Well how about uhhh the emails ! Yeah Hillarys emails and hunter Bidens laptop!" Haha showed you dumb democrats whose boss! Wait till I tell my wife's boyfriend about how I owned you libs!

Funny after watching all the machismo and grand standing these tough guys were doing on Jan 6th and now they're all crying about how their lives are ruined and it's not fair:( . I guess trump teleported to the wrong capital that day and couldnt save the day what a shame.


FlexRVA21984 t1_j6c5xsb wrote

Literally crying in the police interrogation rooms 😂


hiddenrealism t1_j6c6e5g wrote

But it's a revolution!

"I'm sure trump will bail us all out really soon, we're his top priority!"

*cut to video of trump holding a baseball

"See my hands are not small, dont listen to CNN! Oops lunchtime everybody!"


go_ing_pla_ces t1_j6arm1f wrote

Yeah. Woke toddlers.

This genius clearly confused “socializing” with “socialism”.


RyloBreedo OP t1_j68z7pm wrote

They told me they were protesting the "Drag Queen Museum."


dreww4546 t1_j691llo wrote

There's a drag queen musem?


heraus t1_j692272 wrote

These people...smh. Because spewing hate and f-bombs at the Children's Museum is somehow better for our youth? F them..and the irony...Where's my Kitara Ravache meme.


EricBeTrappin t1_j69yaqk wrote

If you ask the right wing what % of the economy drag queen shows make up they would probably suggest a modest 15-25%


MechMeister t1_j6adgir wrote

I heard it's a prerequisite for fashion design at VCU


raheemthegreat t1_j6ashwu wrote

Can't even walk down Cary St without a layer of foundation recently


Blastmaster29 t1_j6apysn wrote

Ask these people why they aren’t protesting child beauty pageants


instantcoffee69 t1_j698akh wrote

The hypocrisy is glaring:

MAGA: We need to protect our child from books, liberal culture, movies, tv, drag shows

Also MAGA: FUCK Biden. At at place... For children

I think the "party of family values" has some real garbage values, because they got real garbage people


Chrahhh t1_j69fc04 wrote

Party of family values? You mean the “grab em by the pussy” gang? Republicans are frauds, charlatans, liars. They stand for nothing, just proselytizing polarizing social politics with the sole intent of driving a wedge between all classes while they enrich themselves. They’re an embarrassment to the nation.


[deleted] t1_j69zqfi wrote



TheMightyBoofBoof t1_j6a4pe3 wrote

Please point us to the children’s museum where someone is holding a “Fuck Ted Cruz” sign and we’ll apologize.

Everything I’ve read here is not much more than collective eye rolling at one idiot with nothing better to do than seek attention.

Edit: two attention seeking idiots. I forgot about Tiburonsharks


[deleted] t1_j6aabid wrote



Unbreakablecurfew t1_j6adl3q wrote

Democrats and republicans are both normal everyday people trying to live their lives. Lol. What does that even mean?



Yes, literally everyone who votes Republican thinks this exact same way and endorses this guy. /s 🙄🙄🙄


Potential-Height582 t1_j69noyz wrote

The Children’s Museum hosted a Pride night with Legendary Santa in early Dec. the snow Queen was a drag queen. It was a really special and magical evening for families like mine. Ever since then, the museum has been harassed on social, email and in person. It’s awful.


AwkwardRN t1_j6b76v6 wrote

Sounds like I’ll be taking my niece to the museum when she comes to visit ☺️


danadane1419 t1_j6931cr wrote

The RVA market at Bryan park had a FB post apologizing for him this morning as well. I’m not sure if something happened outside of the sign FJB


rdt69420 t1_j693oie wrote

Nah, it was just him. Apparently he had on a vest and was standing at the entrance. So naturally the patrons of the market thought he was there directing traffic when really he was just standing there with his Fuck Joe Biden and Fuck Stoney signs being a fucking idiot.


Opacy t1_j69kz5c wrote

I just wonder what fucked this guy up enough that he spends what seems like his every waking minute going around town and standing in the elements to troll with a vulgar sign.

And he does all of this for Joe Biden, an incredibly bland and low-energy President who even most Democrats can’t find the energy to get excited about. Just pathetic loser vibes to this guy.


lolicraft t1_j69y7lu wrote

Honestly I wonder if this guy is the same freak with the fire pit and the huge confederate flag everyone sees on the 64… would just make too much sense


foodlion t1_j6anbh6 wrote

Someone with photoshop skills should really create incredibly graphic images of him fucking and being fucked by Joe Biden. Hand it to him in an envelope and walk away.


Cerebral-Knievel-1 t1_j6akahp wrote

I was in that post warning people not to interact with him, and suggesting they loudly play Disney music around him so he can't use his body cam footage for his YouTube channel


batkave t1_j69sorb wrote

Now republicans want children to have sex with Biden? Republicans really love child sex


nadeesi9000 t1_j695i5e wrote

This guy has been harassing diners at Brenner Pass the last 2 nights. He is clearly escalating and now has a follower.


rdt69420 t1_j6963r8 wrote

Seems like the cops he has interactions with are friendly with him too. Don’t think it’ll end well.


JeffRVA t1_j698rji wrote

To be fair, it seems like the cops know they can't do much about him based on other posts I've seen on here. He makes sure to stay on public property and as despicable as we find him he's still protected by the first amendment.


StealthTomato t1_j6abrf8 wrote

Yeah, the Richmond Police Department, which is well known for never overreacting to First Amendment actions.

They literally arrested a guy on a warrant for “obstructing a sidewalk” in 2020.


RVAWTFBBQ t1_j69op8n wrote

>Seems like the cops he has interactions with are friendly with him too.

He keeps their boots nice and shiny.


SpecificExtreme t1_j69by0u wrote

They’re probably friends.


Mobile_leprechaun t1_j6a39hv wrote

Or they’re just actual good cops who understand the laws and don’t overstep their jurisdiction.


SpecificExtreme t1_j6fa9d1 wrote

There are no good cops babe. Systematically they can not exist. It isn’t possible lmao


Ms-Pamplemousse t1_j694bey wrote

Stop giving this guy what he wants, attention


RyloBreedo OP t1_j696fod wrote

First time I've seen him. But obviously he's been seen around by others.


manintheyellowhat t1_j6agqly wrote

He’s all over the place, frequently in Lakeside. I saw him on an overpass yesterday evening too. What a sad way for him to spend all his time.


socoyankee t1_j6av6nr wrote

Wait is he the one on the overpass at the Bryan Park Interchange...I saw someone there last week with a that sign..I don't normally take that interchange so it's the first time I saw it.


AndThenThereWasQueso t1_j6bp68o wrote

Yea. He’s there a lot. As I’ve said before, this dude doesn’t really bother me except that he always picks inclement weather days to stand on the overpass and taking attention away from drivers which can cause dangerous braking.


Natopoly t1_j6axtky wrote

He was in front of Hanover High School one morning as the buses and students were rolling in.


rydogg1 t1_j6azo0g wrote

Yep. This guy has a YouTube channel that just basically shows all sorts of trouble that people could get doxxed on.

He knows his basic rights and he does just enough to skirt.


Spongewifey t1_j69sgo5 wrote

Seems like a weird audience to choose people who can’t even read yet 🤔


realitytrashbag t1_j6bsvix wrote

Lol I literally just said I’m glad my kid can’t read yet haha


DTorakhan t1_j6a9w9v wrote

Because holding a sign that says fuck, in front of a CHILDREN'S museum, shows that you're the better person. Keep it classy, RVA


zorak_robert t1_j69e692 wrote

With an "S" now? Has the amoeba undergone mitosis?


allidyaj t1_j6a3vgq wrote

The people who spent 4 years complaining that Trump's critics all had, "Trump Derangement Syndrome," seem to be a little deranged about Biden.


nite_rituals t1_j692b7z wrote

That park looks interesting in the back


Sad-Database-9798 t1_j69xxz3 wrote

The Science Museum built a 3 story parking deck so they could remove their huge flat parking lot and have now converted it to a green space!

It's awesome, multiple acres in the city that have lots of great landscaping, benches, trees all accessible to the two best museums to take your kids to. Awesome move.

It's still fenced in for the moment, they plan to open it by Spring.


Palm-Kun t1_j6a3ifu wrote

i had no idea that actually sounds awesome


Hobie_Cat t1_j69eo6l wrote

Stay classy Richmond!


RyloBreedo OP t1_j6aiagn wrote

Does this guy even live in Richmond?? And I don't mean one of the surrounding counties.


okcknight t1_j69ojnt wrote

This guy is a POS troll who thrives of the negative attention for his pathetic YouTube channel.


araucana t1_j6a796o wrote

But what if I don't want to F Biden?


m0grady t1_j69m3ex wrote

Wont someone please think of the children?


_LouSandwich_ t1_j6a1quw wrote

All two of em


HitoriPanda t1_j6aaalc wrote

Yeah, protestors = bunch of people for a common goal.

These are just two loonies with too much free time on their hands. Gotta do something while on unemployment (which is nothing like socialism because socialism is for everyone who isn't them)

Edit: /s of course


firstlight777 t1_j6ajkqy wrote

I dont like Biden but what are they trying to achieve here?


thewok t1_j6drdwk wrote

Biden is going to see this post and resign in shame.


this-ok t1_j6ct72s wrote

I feel it’s a great talking point for parents. “You see that man? That’s what happens to you when you disregard science and facts. You turn into a bitter husk of a person that’s angry at the wrong things and you make it everyone else’s problem.”


kamjang t1_j6aemc3 wrote

Why does this guy want to fuck Biden so bad and why is he telling this to sick children?


jalbo13 t1_j6b04dg wrote

Does anyone know if he got to fuck him?


Imfrom_m-83 t1_j6ehvjh wrote

Why don’t these people realize no one really voted for Biden. They voted to get the orange stain out of office. Biden couldn’t have beaten anyone running against him…unless they were Trump.


Catwymyn t1_j6actqe wrote

Wow, I guess they really showed him /s


Eccentric_Fixation t1_j6ak3z2 wrote

Is this the same douchebag that was at the War Memorial on Veteren's Day back in 2021?


Vernpool t1_j6b0817 wrote

Keepin' it classy I see.


Frosty48 t1_j6b4fi6 wrote

What a tasteless, trashy move.


Blue_Roo_mama t1_j6blp0k wrote

How classy at a children’s museum no less


DamILuvFrogs t1_j6bquol wrote

At the children’s museum!? Really. How inconsiderate can these people be? Let them kids be kids for fucks sake


realitytrashbag t1_j6bspqu wrote

It was so annoying! Thankfully my kid was too young to read. I just walked past and did not pay them any attention, but my blood was boiling.


adho123456 t1_j6d12ej wrote

Why there ! Picking on sick kids must make him feel like a real man .. such an idiot


Austin_Chaos t1_j6d1th4 wrote

It’s like personality limbo…how low can they go?


allbrew t1_j6d750l wrote

Must have gotten soap in the mouth as a kid and he’s still issuing with his father Joseph


hellogirlsandgays t1_j6d95l5 wrote

all those child biden fans wont know what hit them


yungperuvianlad t1_j6e9cw7 wrote

I saw the same guy hanging this sign at an overpass bridge near Ashland on Friday. What a loser, I bet he has no one to spend time with or anyone who wants to be around him.


idoescompooters t1_j6en24d wrote

There was literally just one guy. Watched a cop roll past him and turn around and leave lol


Beachstar83 t1_j6ex69y wrote

They are allowed to protest, as is everyone but holding a sign with profanity on it in front of the children's museum is going to help how? No, voting for who we think is going to represent us the best is how change is made. Most politicians are shady anyway, we need real people in office.


Trepeld t1_j6f0i1r wrote

Does anyone know his name?


SwanOverSunshine t1_j6gja7m wrote

I watched one of his videos of him harrassing people outside the Richmond Ballet school. I think he’s figured out he gets “good” filmed responses when he goes to places where kids are. Despicable!


kellyjellybelly81 t1_j6apebt wrote

My kid was on a field trip at the Science Museum yesterday and saw this twat. He thought it was hilarious 😂


mize68 t1_j6apjqd wrote

Kid Tells teacher. Mommy took me to the museum, and I learned a new word, F@#$


wermodaz t1_j6bzamm wrote

The smart thing to do would go out there beside him and hold an even more obscene sign that gets the police involved, so they have to kick him out with you


odysseusity t1_j6bzwrx wrote

Nope, eff Trumputin and the Trumpanzees; move to Russia


freetimerva t1_j6cpycy wrote

I've seen this guy filming kids walking down sidewalks.

He seems bordering on dangerous.


josephi44 t1_j6ath1x wrote

How’s life in the Cookie Factory?


PhotonPainter t1_j6b2mn9 wrote

Im not advocating for an accident involving a vehicle an all but….


InternetExplorer_6 t1_j6908zl wrote

when are y'all gonna learn to stop taking the bait and giving this guy publicity


Monstrous_13 t1_j69es7f wrote

for real this is exactly what they want, ignore them


pittmancb t1_j69fd6i wrote

I don't get why people post/repost this guy and his minions. In general, if you disagree, then why amplify his voice?


TheRealBikeMan t1_j6bg3p3 wrote

Well, those kids need to learn that Joe Biden needs to get fucked.


[deleted] t1_j69zy9a wrote



_LouSandwich_ t1_j6a2gk8 wrote

What are you saying? That congress made a law abridging the freedom of speech? Are you drawing that conclusion from this picture?


PickanickBasket t1_j6ak17r wrote

There are no officials prosecuting this asswipe for "speaking" his mond. His freedom of speech is perfectly intact.

That amendment does NOT protect him from ridicule, public shaming and ostracization by his fellows, though. Be a dick, be treated like a dick.



dalhectar t1_j6akyfp wrote

Which is why we are using our freedom of speech to call him an asshole and your defense of him being an asshole dumb as shit.