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what-the-what24 OP t1_j55lnqz wrote

Good point and thank goodness the rich people sued him esp because he also stole from lots of not rich people.

My husband went after him initially for the money, but, in the end, it was all about the principle. After publicly shaming Josh, he got payment for him/ his crew and all of his subs. So many other really great tradesmen never got paid by Josh. They either didn’t have the time to go after him or they thought they were somehow in the wrong (eg didn’t feel they had an enforceable contract).

However this particular justice was wrought, I’m glad to see that justice was served.


FiveTicketRide t1_j55m1jq wrote

I'm glad he got the payment. I have a lot more sympathy for the tradespeople than I do for the investors -- not that I don't feel for the investors at all, but people who rip off workers so they can make more money (for country clubs and private school, no less) should absolutely be brought to justice.