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Bumbalatti t1_j5yk8nx wrote

700 guns taken from cars. Majority do you even quantify the stupidity? My brain is broken after reading this.


Gamegis t1_j5ynpks wrote

Well when you consider how many people are stupid as shit and then also how many people own guns, it’s sadly not surprising.


Asterion7 t1_j5ypbcg wrote

Also they face almost no consequences when their guns are used in a crime later on.


JVorhees t1_j5yqn8w wrote

It's almost like they're selling guns and claiming they've been stolen for this very reason. Nah, that couldn't be it.


chairmanbrando t1_j5zwxq9 wrote

Ah, fuck. It's so obvious I didn't even consider it. I wonder what a Glock goes for on the black market... >_>


SuccessfulPres t1_j60qpa7 wrote

margins are pretty low because straw purchases are so common. At least in Chicago, the markup was basically about $100 only


chairmanbrando t1_j60r416 wrote

Well, damn. That's not even remotely worth the trouble in trying to find a buyer and meeting in mysterious places with armed strangers.


SuccessfulPres t1_j605sr5 wrote

which is why guns need to have a strict liability... this happened so much in Chicago. It's so easy to buy guns in Indiana and just sell them in Chicago.


ol_moosie t1_j5zbxkd wrote

A few years ago I overheard a guy on the phone with dispatch reporting that someone had stolen a gun from the glovebox in his soft top, plastic windows Jeep Wrangler at the JRPS Reedy Creek parking lot


Bumbalatti t1_j5yo892 wrote

I suppose basic algebra does answer that. I need to go find some hope somewhere.


raindeerpie t1_j5z6969 wrote

there really should be some better regulations for securing guns. we can't ban guns or stop people from buying them. but we can at least require them to use and store them properly. it could solve so many issues.


MLM1414 t1_j5z6x9p wrote

Exactly, it’s one thing if you leave your car unlocked in your garage at home but just to leave it unlocked in public is utter stupidity.


ZephyrInfernum t1_j604t8y wrote

Even if it's at home in your garage, a gun left in a vehicle is asking for problems. A gun should be like eyeglasses; they're either on your person or secured in their case (I know, people aren't this careful with glasses either, but they should)


CptJaxxParrow t1_j606jug wrote

I really don't understand the whole concept of a "truck gun" or having a dedicated firearm you regularly leave in your vehicle. It's just asking to be stolen. My CCW is either on my person, within arms reach, or locked and unloaded. It requires 0 effort to carry it back and forth to my car when I'm going out. People with truck guns are blatantly lazy and irresponsible


ZephyrInfernum t1_j60ddyv wrote

Absolutely agree. That's the problem with "responsible" gun owners, a lot aren't actually as responsible as they think they are; they "grew up with guns" or sat through a hunting certification course without actually retaining anything.


ThomasJeffersonHOO t1_j5zhu2k wrote

Do you think the people that regulation is targeted towards would actually abide that regulation? There’s almost no way you can enforce this unless police randomly raid cars or houses.


raindeerpie t1_j5zmes0 wrote

I think it would force responsible owners to better secure their weapons and cut down on accidental deaths. especially with children. it won't stop car break-in/gun theft, no law will. but if there are consequences to leaving a gun unsecured than it will makes it a less desirable option for trafficking guns.


BurkeyTurger t1_j5zgn9i wrote

There is a bill in the GA this session, I expect the R's will kill it though if it makes it out of the Senate.


raindeerpie t1_j5znmiq wrote

looks like a good law to me. if anything it should be stricter. Having it be just a $500 fine is not that strong. criminal charges should be included. Republicans should be ok with this bill. but who knows how the vote will go.

I wonder why they only include handguns? I guess including rifles and shotguns would unfairly target hunters.


BurkeyTurger t1_j5zpvyw wrote

I'm not sure if there are enough long gun thefts from cars that it is as big of an issue, usually if you're out and about with a long gun you're either going to the range or hunting rather than keeping it in the car constantly(which IMO is a bad idea anyway).

Most of mine are just in soft cases too for transport so while I could stick a little luggage lock on the zippers it wouldn't really accomplish anything nor would they fit in a glovebox or car safe.


raindeerpie t1_j6011a0 wrote

I think you're right. but I just keep picturing gunracks in the back of pick up trucks.


Charlesinrichmond t1_j609t90 wrote

It's a big state so it probably exists somewhere but I've never seen a gun rack in a pickup truck in Virginia


geneb0322 t1_j61h81g wrote

I saw one or two 30 years ago or so, but haven't seen one since. They're definitely not remotely common.


Charlesinrichmond t1_j61hvj3 wrote

Yeah and I know a lot of people with guns, people who hunt, and people who own pickup trucks so I would figure I'd have a higher chance of seeing them than most


BurkeyTurger t1_j5zh9tm wrote

I'm sure they all considered themselves "responsible gun owners" too.


kneel_yung t1_j5zlx8h wrote

the venn diagram of stupid people and gun owners is very nearly a circle.


ThatChildNextDoor OP t1_j5yjd1x wrote

I'm assuming most of the cars that may have stolen were the Kia and Hyundais that were being stolen during an online trend. Homicides were down to 57, but arson was up by 87%.


Both-Internal-6970 t1_j5zmzsg wrote

I feel real bad for Hyundai/ Kia drivers, but that's why you don't buy one of those. At least higher end cars like dodge's thieves have to hack/ use a device. With a Hyundai anybody could do it, it's pathetic. Idk why people still buy from them. I get it's a cheap car, but if your car gets stolen/ damaged you're back to square one. Even after the problem is fixed in newer cars, you'd be a fool to support that company.


SuccessfulPres t1_j606aeh wrote

the immobilizers were secretly removed- they had them before 2012. This wasn't common knowledge, because surely nobody would skimp out on a $10 immobilizer right?


Snovercity t1_j61l1vm wrote

“Higher end cars like Dodges”



Both-Internal-6970 t1_j622jun wrote

As in in comparison - the Demons, Hellcats and scats, those are also commonly stolen. Definitely higher end and cooler than anything Hyundai has ever made.


batkave t1_j5zcj0u wrote

But I thought RVA was becoming the murder capital of the world last year according to Reddit and the media?! Like worse than the 70s and 80s.

Is it because there are less cops out there?


bkemp1984Part2 t1_j5znqm9 wrote

I typed a whole comment touching on this and was like "why bother?" because telling people they shouldn't be as scared as they are (not that I said that, but it was one takeaway) is a great way to piss them off. People cling to fear, no matter how gentle you are about it.

But yeah, a takeaway is: remember this next time there is a panic over crime! There are ebbs and flows all the time and rarely are they a sign of long term trends, especially in the negative direction. It's always bad when it goes up, but not a per se reason to be alarmed. And it's usually drastically overreported.....if murders go up 20%, coverage is gonna go up approximately one billion %


Charlesinrichmond t1_j61ebyr wrote

Property crime has soared. And the sad truth is the murder statistic is strongly influenced by VCU hospital, shootings went up, just fewer of them died

The city isn't particularly dangerous, but if we ignore the fact that crime stats are getting worse it could go that way


jodyhighrola t1_j5zfod6 wrote

This will continue to get worse as the inequality gap widens here. Cars are super easy targets, and we clearly have people living in the city who do not want to believe that Richmond is indeed a city. Don't leave anything in sight in your vehicle, don't leave it running while you're away from it, don't be dumb. If you have a Kia/Hyundai on the Kia Boys shit list, lock it down or trade it in, because it's a matter of time before it's disappearing.

The police don't eliminate this issue in any city, let alone richmond.


terrordactyl20 t1_j613cj8 wrote

I moved into the fan 4 years ago and left my car unlocked with an external hard drive in site that I didn't know was there. Got stolen. I've double triple locked my car every single day since. All it takes is once to learn that stupid lesson. Lost all my photos from college too.


CptRichardHarris t1_j5zlar6 wrote

I don’t know how to laugh emoji but I’m gonna laugh out loud with this one 😂.


Detlionsfan1188 t1_j5yv6xu wrote

I feel like a quote from a tv show I used to watch called madam secretary. The founding fathers didn’t know how many idiots would be in this country from all walks of life.


ValidGarry t1_j5zkl5d wrote

Oh they assumed that anyone not exactly like them was beneath them. See poor, non-white, non-male etc as criteria they baked into their system to keep them away from decisions.


Detlionsfan1188 t1_j5znbl6 wrote

Boohoo poor pitiful me. That’s a horrible attitude to have. I have no sympathy for that poor pitiful me attitude I can’t do anything. People like that are born into a miserable unhappy sad pathetic life. Can’t imagine how horrible that kind of misery is.


ValidGarry t1_j5zphit wrote

Huh? You know the old wealthy white men who established America set it all up to retain what they had, right? Not sure where pity comes into this. It's what happened.


Detlionsfan1188 t1_j60b51f wrote

I don’t blame others for my shortfalls. If I want to succeed I put in the effort to succeed. If people want of fail then you put in the effort to fail. I’ve always said this. Regardless of race and ethnicity there are wealthy people of all races and genders. Why single out old wealthy white men when there are wealthy people of all races and genders? I find it odd people always blame the wealthy white men. More and more ethnicities are seeing the junk that the far left is pulling on minorities. Former nba player charles Barkley once said I voted Democrat my whole life and it’s still the same thing as it was when I was born. I got nothing the neighborhoods around me and that I grew up in haven’t gotten better they haven’t done a single thing for any of us minorities. These minorities are waking up. So anyone that is woke may want to think about it before a lot of minorities see what the work left is doing to them. I’ve met a lot more minorities that are finally seeing what’s going on.


ValidGarry t1_j60brp6 wrote

I'm just highlighting that the founding fathers didn't do shit for anyone who wasn't just like them.


ENTlightened t1_j5zf02p wrote

Oh they did, they just didn't know of capitalism and how it'd sap the life out of everyone till they were too tired to think.
