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princessofbeasts t1_j676dlf wrote

These people aren’t trying to destroy civilization. They’re trying desperately to have their outrage seen and heard in a society that systematically quiets and downplays all the fucked up corrupt shit that goes on and on and ON, and nothing ever changes. It’s not fair that small businesses get targeted, but guess fucking what, it’s even less fair that black men and women have to justifiably FEAR FOR THEIR ACTUAL FUCKING LIVES at the hands of the police.


Charlesinrichmond t1_j695glq wrote

They are trying to destroy civilization. Let's hear what the NAACP says... whatever happened to "listen to black people"

“We cannot allow folks to come back into our city, throw bricks at humans, throw bricks at the police department, setting things on fire. That is not the way we do things,” James Minor with Richmond NAACP said.
