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princessofbeasts t1_j683sj8 wrote

A cop who murders someone in cold blood isn’t just some asshole, they used power and privilege to bring pain and suffering to the world. Based on the video, they really thought they would get away with this crime without consequence. Which is very telling for the general mindset of police. The cops tried to manipulate the situation so that it seemed like Tyre was resisting arrest (to justify their violence against him). Thanks to the sky cam footage their lies were uncovered. How many other police have lied and gotten away with violence and murder?

One could argue that the BLM protests and riots are the ONLY reason these cops are facing severe consequences. But even then it’s not enough, they’re just a tiny part of a much bigger problem.

This won’t be the last time someone is killed or maimed. So yeah, people are understandably upset and outraged (and also exhausted and heartbroken by a broken system). There is very little any of us can do in this moment to stop the future killings. What do you do when nothing changes? Do you think revolution happens quietly and peacefully? That would be nice but let’s be real.


Charlesinrichmond t1_j696chm wrote

this is why cams are good. And police training is an issue.

One could make your arguments, but the data doesn't back them up.

Revolution would make things worse. But the idiots don't want to do the hard and boring work of fixing the system. We need to pay police more, and train them better.

The riots make them worse.


princessofbeasts t1_j69at3a wrote

Body cams didn’t stop the murder of Tyre Nichols. Training is just one aspect of the issues with police.

Revolution is pretty much the only way for ‘The People’ to create real, lasting change when change is needed on a massive, urgent scale.


Charlesinrichmond t1_j69iuq2 wrote

body cameras got the cops arrested.

Anyone who is advocating for revolution should go move to North Korea and report back. You have to be wretchedly stupid to think that would make the world better. You and the January 6 people are the same


_Joe_Momma_ t1_j6a0i6r wrote

>body cameras got the cops arrested. they didn't. A traffic camera controlled by the highway department and out of police's jurisdiction got them arrested.

Body can footage is controlled by the police. They knew they were recording themselves and I guarantee that footage was going to wind up "lost" or "corrupted". That's why they were telling an unconscious man to stop resisting as they beat him to death, because the audio implying a confrontation can exonerate them, so long as contradictory footage isn't made public.

And again: who decides footage is the cops. If they were caught on a private camera, they'd seize and wipe the footage. It was only because the footage belonged to someone they had zero authority over that they thrown under the bus so the department could cover their ass for what is clearly a regular occurence with how casual they acted about it and how they were prepared to fake audio.

They got caught over a technicality. That's it. That is the only reason we know what actually happened. You need to realize how depraved and one-sided policing is. The officers being caught wasn't the system working, it was their system breaking. Beating a man to death in a manner they clearly expected to get away with it was the system working as intended.