Asterion7 OP t1_j46b2bi wrote
Apparently they scroll rva for content.
[deleted] t1_j46bm6g wrote
Asterion7 OP t1_j46dspo wrote
burledw t1_j46s4zj wrote
His voice is irritating, he’s been on the radio since I was a child (grown af now), and he comes off as a dinosaur in clothes that are many seasons out of style. I bet he wears cargo shorts like, all the time.
I_Got_A_Truck t1_j46wx4g wrote
You're not wrong. I like to think that he's intentionally acting stupid just to get more interaction from listeners.
[deleted] t1_j470f39 wrote
[deleted] t1_j470m6e wrote
bigkshep t1_j470s7r wrote
Voice irritating. I’ll give you that. Been on the radio for decades. I’ll give you that too. But don’t make fun of a persons clothing choice. Cargo shorts are comfy and useful.
resident16 t1_j470xs5 wrote
He was my go-to when I had to commute to work. Much preferable to Elvis Duran.
RammmITTT t1_j472574 wrote
Be careful now, the Izod Lacoste short shorts crew will come out to get you.
BurkeyTurger t1_j472l1b wrote
He's been in the game long enough that I'm almost certain it's partly a shock jock schtick.
bigkshep t1_j472qmp wrote
I’ll yank that thigh hair until they go crawling back to daddy!!
upearlyRVA t1_j472vhd wrote
He's good for mindless entertainment. Anyone looking for much more is reaching. I enjoy listening in on my commute to work.
burledw t1_j474ily wrote
Lmao someone who wears cargo shorts all the time wouldn’t appreciate the subtlety of that joke, anyway.
Kingful t1_j474ndp wrote
freetimerva t1_j47eq4g wrote
Unlistenable show.
spitfyr12 t1_j47hlj3 wrote
Lol just wait until you're starving ass hangry and the ONLY snacks around are in someone else's cargo pockets, then you'll understand our wardrobe choice :-)
TheCheeseDevil t1_j47jike wrote
give me some of your tots
shalomfromus t1_j47lkcs wrote
Charlesinrichmond t1_j47mqc0 wrote
We are a content farm for the lazy I swear
Charlesinrichmond t1_j47muwg wrote
cargo shorts are LYF! Pockets are a wonderful thing
iinaytanii t1_j47xdhm wrote
No way. The placement of the extra pockets on cargo shorts makes your cargo flop around and constantly smack your legs as you walk. They are ill suited to carrying cargo!
theb0tman t1_j481o07 wrote
this guy is still on the air?
burledw t1_j48k30v wrote
Teasing someone for what they chose to wear is much better than teasing them for something they have no control over.
PeakedinKindergarten t1_j48rpv9 wrote
I won $500 on this show a few weeks ago. I will continue supporting 😂
___zero__cool___ t1_j498x4n wrote
Used to light off fireworks with him on the Fourth of July as a kid, a family friend lived across the street from him. It’s definitely shock jock schtick, he’s much more normal in real life, and I never heard him do that stupid cackle laugh bullshit in person.
metambre77 t1_j49dbr7 wrote
Who were the guys from parks and rec, weenie and the douche?
1975hh3 t1_j49nsg9 wrote
Lowest of the low brow. I couldn’t imagine listening to this to start my day. No wonder we are all so fucked.
luckhaus t1_j49t0hh wrote
Find your own!
Stampdaddy7 t1_j4a0h72 wrote
That’s all that station does. I have listened to them like 4 times on the way to the gym and every morning I have heard them talking about shit I read on reddit the night before. Must be easy to get discussion topics for your radio show when you just take it from here.
Actually not every time, today they were talking about some WW2 book that sounded interesting.
Stampdaddy7 t1_j4a0j6a wrote
Crazy Ira
metambre77 t1_j4ahgjn wrote
Yes, I was thinking family guy
wermodaz t1_j4bmonf wrote
Totally sounds like Alex Jones lite, even up to the gravelly voice. It's incredibly irritating.
graphic-design-her t1_j4696bp wrote
I can't stand listening to him. He sounds incredibly uneducated and spews a ton of misinformation.