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Wh1teMike88 t1_j64frn4 wrote

God didn’t care about the babies when he drowned everyone on earth, but guess people forgot about that (if you actually believe that, that is)..


Diet_Coke t1_j64h3ii wrote

Or when he was writing Psalm 137, line 9. Again, if you believe...


xRVAx t1_j65k0y3 wrote

I agree with you if your point is that killing babies is wrong and should be protested under all circumstances


Wh1teMike88 t1_j6632oy wrote

You’re probably one of those psychos out there with a bullhorn yelling out young women. Fuck out of here


SpecificExtreme t1_j69fx1g wrote

You should go protest how fucked up the foster care and healthcare systems are, where already living children are being horrifically mistreated, instead of claiming to care about a clump of cells.