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moderatehill t1_j675idt wrote

I was going to confront my pastor like you had pointed out using scripture but now that I think about it you're right, I shouldn't be gossiping about him spending a portion of the tithing on abortions over the past 8 years.


xRVAx t1_j67ay6d wrote

Again, I can't tell from your tone if you're trying to be ironic. Of course you're supposed to confront a pastor if you think he's doing something wrong, regardless of if you have a chapter/verse Bible citation . Matthew 18 says before you use Reddit to levy wild accusations against someone, you should confront them privately. Obviously i'm paraphrasing. :)

Have you talked to him directly about this?


moderatehill t1_j69i6dl wrote

About 'killing babies'? Yeah we joke about it all the time, he paid for one of ours too. I know other Christians and church leaders that get them done all the time. Not any of my business tho like you said, simple gossip.