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Sage_Advice420 t1_j63d6f6 wrote

Hypocrite boomers who are miserable sacks of shit and full of nothing but hate for themselves and their shitty lives so they take it out on vulnerable women. Because abortion protestors are fucking losers.


benihana_christmas t1_j63g6r9 wrote

I was on the train to DC last Friday and I found the number of young people boarding in Richmond with hateful signs heading for the March for Life really depressing.


Notthatianmcewan t1_j63hs3n wrote

It is regular. I don't know the schedule but often I see them around that area.


RigbyMel76 t1_j63kfsv wrote

Yeah, they still slime around there on the regular. (Usually Saturdays.) Blech.


Hedgecore138 t1_j63kstz wrote

These are the same losers standing outside of Planned Parenthood every day on Hamilton. I wish all of their days could be just half as miserable as how they make others' with their bullshit.


yumisinxxx t1_j63n2ff wrote

who wants to go protest against them w me lol


Successful-Trash-409 t1_j63nsus wrote

My counter protest sign: “these ‘people’ would rather have temper tantrums than help raise unwanted children”


progressiveinva69 t1_j64b1o6 wrote

I like to quietly walk by and crop dust them after eating beans and drinking apple juice.


WhereDoesItSayNotTo t1_j64buur wrote

I am one of the people that does clinic defense at that clinic. We prefer not to have people counter them because it can sometimes cause distress with patients going in (or people walking by). As much as I enjoy someone calling them a-holes and everything, they have this whole persecution mindset. So the more abuse they take, the more they think they are doing the right thing. So please avoid engaging with them there because, while being incredibly funny sometimes, it is too likely to make it worse for the patients.

We have heard that they plan to start protesting at CVS and Walgreens because they will sell mifepristone. If you want to counter that, I will join you.


SqueezeMyCharmin t1_j64c2qi wrote

I use to live in the apt building next to the client and would wake up on weekends to their yelling. I've definitely have some run-ins with those protesters.


Wh1teMike88 t1_j64cc3e wrote

They are there every Saturday, but that’s basically the only day they show up.


verbalddos t1_j64ns89 wrote

I want to make a sign that just says Matthew 6:5 and then just join Thier protest and see if they notice.

Here is the verse.

"And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward."


popsrcr t1_j651kcv wrote

I didn’t realize they still did this. Guess I’m not down there at the god appointed time


Rogleson t1_j657lkd wrote

Deuteronomy 25:11-12 11 If two men are fighting and the wife of one of them comes to rescue her husband from his assailant, and she reaches out and seizes him by his testicles, 12 you shall cut off her hand. Show her no pity.


xRVAx t1_j668ppf wrote

Jesus lovingly confronted people with the truth even if they didn't like it. He respectfully called the religious experts to the carpet and lovingly told the adulteress to "go and sin no more"

I agree with you that the protestors shouldn't harass people but not everyone who stands out in front of the clinics fits that description. Sometimes they just stand there and pray or hold a cardboard sign. It's different groups that all have different backgrounds and tactics even if they have a common desire that people should not get abortions.

Demonstrating on the sidewalk is not my style but I understand that's sometimes how social change happens. And it doesn't have to be "harrassful" to be effective.


xRVAx t1_j66o35f wrote

I'm not a Biblical scholar (maybe you are?) but I'm pretty sure the Bible does address the issue of forced miscarriages.

Wikipedia does a good job of laying out the different positions in a neutral way ...

Many Christians honestly believe that a fetus is a fully fledged human life. Their conscience drives them to do what they can to try to save human lives. I know you probably disagree, but you should at least acknowledge that if you were in their shoes, you wouldn't "agree to disagree" in the name of tolerance when human lives are at stake.


DrKittyKevorkian t1_j66wwy0 wrote

I've gotten all my gyn shit done at Planned Parenthood for years. I've never seen a single protester.

(Hate waiting hours for your pap/pelvic/IUD because your doc/midwife is delivering a baby? That never happens at PP!)


moderatehill t1_j6711ng wrote

Where in the Bible does it say that pastors need to pay for abortions, because our pastor at First Baptist has paid for 2 already this year. Last year I only new of 5 but he went on a missions trip in June and August so I would have to check with the other office.


moderatehill t1_j675idt wrote

I was going to confront my pastor like you had pointed out using scripture but now that I think about it you're right, I shouldn't be gossiping about him spending a portion of the tithing on abortions over the past 8 years.


xRVAx t1_j67ay6d wrote

Again, I can't tell from your tone if you're trying to be ironic. Of course you're supposed to confront a pastor if you think he's doing something wrong, regardless of if you have a chapter/verse Bible citation . Matthew 18 says before you use Reddit to levy wild accusations against someone, you should confront them privately. Obviously i'm paraphrasing. :)

Have you talked to him directly about this?


RCBilldoz t1_j67ctev wrote

Allegedly, people would bike by with super soakers


WompWompIt t1_j67ps67 wrote

the Bible does not address abortion. my best friend has a Mdiv from a very well known university and I trust her over Wikipedia which is open sourced. She has no dog in this fight.

Furthermore, in Judaism which predates Christianity (Jesus's dad ya know) a baby is not a human being until it takes its first breath outside the womb. that means it is religiously legal to kill a baby at any point in a pregnancy. Any. Morally is another story but we are discussing religion and the Bible.

The Bible was written as a sort of guide for people during a time that they were not living close enough to communicate easily between rare social visits. If you had a problem you could find a parable that spoke to your situation. the Bible is not literal. It is a work of fiction.

In the end all religions espouse the same things: be kind. look out for one another. treat people as you wish to be treated. take care of the poor, the weak, children, the elderly. this should be common sense, and no one should need a book to tell you these things. instead the Bible is weaponized to serve the state. Christianity has a bloody trail of terrorism behind it - look at a time line - was originally used to seize power and has never stopped. The latest is controlling half the population's ability to control their own body - women.

Abortion is a human rights issue wearing the sheep skin of christianity.

The true Christians I know don't judge anyone, they help people take care of themselves and they don't give two shits about abortion.

This is the Richmond subreddit not the abortion one so I'm going to stop now.


xRVAx t1_j69b2pu wrote

You talk about how noble it is to defend "the weak, the children" ... I hope you understand that that's exactly what pro-life people think they are doing.

I understand that you and your mainline MDiv friend and some Reformed Jews have a different ontological position about what constitutes a human life... But my conservative MDiv friend and Orthodox Jew friends disagree with you about what a fetus 'is' ... Even if you don't believe in the Bible at all, you might consider that a fetus is a person and be concerned about that life being snuffed out.


SpecificExtreme t1_j69fx1g wrote

You should go protest how fucked up the foster care and healthcare systems are, where already living children are being horrifically mistreated, instead of claiming to care about a clump of cells.


WompWompIt t1_j69fywh wrote

I think it is. I also can look further than that, in that it's life is second to the mothers in all circumstances so it's irrelevant. And I've had kids LOL. No question why most abortions are for second or third time mothers. But if we are discussing the Bible and god and religion, it's just not there. Fervor over the unborn is a tool and if you think otherwise you have been sucked right in.


moderatehill t1_j69i6dl wrote

About 'killing babies'? Yeah we joke about it all the time, he paid for one of ours too. I know other Christians and church leaders that get them done all the time. Not any of my business tho like you said, simple gossip.